Newbie with some leaf discoloration concerns 2 and half weeks into flowering. Please



I am 2 and half weeks into flowering and my leaves are turning yellow and brown with some reddish dots. I am using tiger bloom and big grow and molasses for my nutes. if anyone can give me any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

I took some pics of some of the leaves that I removed today and some that are still on the plant.



same exact thing happened to me. i never really figured it out. the plants are just tolerating it. but i do think it stunted my growth. my best guess was nute lock due to ph imbalance.


Active Member
yea its my first grow this year and i think the knowledge i will take away this year to do a wayyyy better job next year is the thing of value but check the ph before EVERY watering since if you use tiger bloom it will take tap water (8.5) and bring it down to about really bad ph flucuation is not good for your girls (it happened to me without me knowing it)


I definitely have some ph fluctuations. It so hard getting it to one point and keeping it there especially when using nutes.

Will this cause them to freak out and go hermie?


i have the same problem for past three harvest still had good harvest probally could be better this one included 6 weeks into flowering i think it may be a mn def from to much cal i been flushing for 4 days gonna test a couple plants tomorrow with a foliar feed see if that correct it nothing ive tried so far worked in the past good luck to you stay green


RIU Bulldog

I am 2 and half weeks into flowering and my leaves are turning yellow and brown with some reddish dots. I am using tiger bloom and big grow and molasses for my nutes. if anyone can give me any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

I took some pics of some of the leaves that I removed today and some that are still on the plant.

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It looks like your watering with tap water. If you are, your probably have nutrient problems due to high alkalinity. Find out your soils pH


I tested my my soils ph last night and it was a little high. I couldn't get a definite reading because I'm using molasses as well and it makes the water brown looking. I guess i should stop the molasses for a while and just use water with a correct ph. My water is 6.5 before I add anything to it.


I thought tap water to changed to ro water this crop problem for me still came back all thou tap water is bad to use full of unknown minerals can cause lock out if you find the answer please post it i will do the same


Well-Known Member
you should check yur ph of your water after you add nut to it. how old are your plants? and what soil you using?


Well-Known Member
you should only have to use molasses one time. and your using to much. you should only need a cap ful to a litter. dont us anything for a few days. just straight water. i think your over doing it witch is normal for a newbie. flush your plants straight water.