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  1. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    Probably 150 w, is that enough? Also I think my plant may be dying.... I'll post pictures when I can.
  2. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    It's sprouted some more leaves. Can't get the light till next week, ugh. But the plant is looking pretty good for being under shitty lights. Day 13
  3. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    It's actually growing alright. Planning to get the hps light this weekend. Day 11
  4. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    Yeah the tips of it are a little yellow. Sorry I have such a shitty camera, it can't really capture it all. I can't give it nighttime, because it would have to be a set time and I don't have a timer. But I'm getting one this weekend.
  5. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    Gettin' bigger. Not as upward as before. Day 9
  6. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    Your right, the lights are 2700k. That must be why...will it be alright till the end of the week?
  7. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    Well I have 47 watts on the one plant about 1 inch away. And I don't know if it's warm enough for that, it's cold and rainy here right now.
  8. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    All right I'll get some canna stuff too. So sometime this week I'll get that and a hps light. It's under 47 watts not 27. And I plan on making it 60 so hopefully that'll help. Whenever I put in my finger in the soil it's kinda damp, but not really moist, and the top is really dry. And I've left...
  9. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    They are pointing more upwards again. Day 7
  10. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    It's moving just a teensy bit. And I think I'll be transferring it to a 2 gallon instead, I want it to have more grow space. If this soil doesn't have good perlite, will it be alright till around Saturday? I'll make sure to leave the water sitting out, just in case. Also are there any specific...
  11. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    Right now I have the fan facing kinda towards the plant on low, is that too much? I'll make sure to always check the soil with my finger, instead of just looking at the top. I'm just using a ceramic pot right now, but I'll probably be switching over to a 1 gallon pot with holes in the bottom by...
  12. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    The CFLS are probably about 1 inch away, too close? And I'm not sure the temperature, as I've not got a thermometer yet, but I'm getting one very soon. I've been checking the soil with my finger and if it is damp or moist I leave it and if it is dry I water. I checked just 5 minutes ago and the...
  13. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    They are, it's because of the light proximity right? I moved the lights a little, so they aren't as close and I have a fan running as well.
  14. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    Not as pointed upwards as before. It's been drinking water like crazy. Planning on getting an hps light at the end of this week. Day 6
  15. C

    Cfls? Hps? Help?

    I'm growing right now, but all I have on my one plant is 40-47 watts. At the end of this week I plan on getting a hps light. Will the plant be okay till the end of this week? It's already been under these lights for 6 days. Thanks.
  16. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    The leaves are going completely upward, what's happening? Also the soil gets bone dry very quickly, I gave it a cup, and now (Day 6 morning) it's bone dry again, is that normal? Day 5
  17. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    Alright, I do have a little fan, I'll set that up. Thanks man.
  18. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    verrrryyyy shitty picture. I will be looking for a good camera. this is what is has since yesterday. I've added more lights, not at 100 watts yet, but I will keep working on that. it seems to look greener which is good, and not as droopy. Day 4
  19. C

    First. Grow. Ever.

    So I'm planning on growing Ak-48, and I germinated it and planted it. I'm using CFLS and at the moment I only have about 27 watts, but I'm going to get more, so no worries. Unless it is absolutely crucial that it has more than that for this time period. I'm also putting it out in the sun...
  20. C

    Cfl question...

    Are these good? The plant would only have one of these on it at a time, one for vegging, one for flowering.