First. Grow. Ever.


All right I'll get some canna stuff too. So sometime this week I'll get that and a hps light.
It's under 47 watts not 27. And I plan on making it 60 so hopefully that'll help.
Whenever I put in my finger in the soil it's kinda damp, but not really moist, and the top is really dry. And I've left some water out though to make sure it's not chlorinated.
I'm not giving it nighttime, I have it on a 24 hours, but should I give it some nighttime?

Thanks everyone (:
If its damp its good. Don't fret with it any more or you'll kill them with too much water.

So then I'm thinking that the leaves pointing up must be due to light being too far away and too little of it. When i did CFL's I did 1 42 watt light per seedling at 2 inches away from the seedling top. GrowCash may be right that if you can't get the other light yet throw it on the window ledge (if security isn't an issue that is).


Well I have 47 watts on the one plant about 1 inch away. And I don't know if it's warm enough for that, it's cold and rainy here right now.
to be honest that should be close enough. I mean I've seen people grow with 22 watts for an entire grow so starting with what you have for light that far away shouldn't be the worst problem. Do you know what temperature your light is? Blue or Redish in hue. Perhaps they aren't getting the type of light they need. For vegetative you need cool blue.

If thats not it, then it could be the over watering thats causing the leaves to shoot upward. I don't think it would be the PH or soil causing it, but who knows. I'm still betting its light type or too much water.
might be ok, you might see some stretching, and to be honest the plants might suffer some as they are not getting the light they need but no way of knowing for sure till it happens.

Basically there are 2 types of chlorophyll, one uses the cool blue and one uses the warm red spectrum. If you can't get any for a week then throw it on a window ledge for some of the day to supplement the growing. Just make sure security isn't an issue.


Yeah the tips of it are a little yellow. Sorry I have such a shitty camera, it can't really capture it all.
I can't give it nighttime, because it would have to be a set time and I don't have a timer. But I'm getting one this weekend.


I Think Thats why its pointing up as my pals do it also he on 247 light so i think thats the prob As for the tips been burnt itl be ok just try be a bit more vigilante from now on lol also therls love it when they on a timer an the hps mate itl right cheer up lol .peace


Well-Known Member
Great recovery Castillian, congrats!! how many watts is the HPS you are gonna get.


Well-Known Member
16.000 lumens for one plant ? sure it's enough, what are the measures of your grow space? Just make sure you have space to put it away from the plant and that you can cool it down. I've only used CLF but I'd bet you can grow 4 nice plants with that light ;)