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  1. I

    To scrog or not to scrog??

    Thanks for the advice rep given :) (Y) , I've just read a scrog diary one absolute animal of a plant 17.5oz but a hell of a long veg cycle and a lot of intricate care think lst may be more my thing gonna look into it and see what I can find. I'll be uploading pics of the babies once they arrive.
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    To scrog or not to scrog??

    84 views but no response...C'mon guys someone must know their scroggin
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    To scrog or not to scrog??

    Long while since I've been here but need to get back into things so hear goes....Next run is going to be 4 big buddha cheese from clone in 18ltr pots filled with bio bizz all mix using bio bizz nutes under a 600w hps housed in a 1.2x2.0m budbox with extractor and intake fans. The scrog method...
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    how many autos under a 600w hps??

    i have 20 auto ak seeds and have been told that a 600w will cover a m2 so why wouldnt it work if the light covers the space?
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    20 plant auto ak47 grow

    the review of the strain said around 30g per plant
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    20 plant auto ak47 grow

    hi im starting my nxt grow 20 auto ak47's in 11l pots in a 1.2x1.2x2.0m tent using a 600w hps, the pots fit into the meter square tray comfortably but will i have a problem with over crowding? obviously with 20 regular ak47 i would do but with autos staying relatively small what do ya think...
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    Cannabutter 1st attempt

    used cheese cloth but was a bit too small so some bits got in there, yours looks pukka m8, does ur's smell a bit on the manky side aswell ? i know i certainly wouldnt wanna try mine on a sandwhich like ive read people on other forums doin lol
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    Cannabutter 1st attempt

    here's the block of cannabutter i made, i have just seperated it from the water the consistency of it is like soft butter parts r slightly mushy, do you think this will be edible? opinions please :)
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    2nd crop pukka blues harvest

    i've got 3 pukkas on the go atm wots the flowering time on em ?
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    S.o.g advice!!

    wots the longest i could veg for in 6" pots?
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    S.o.g advice!!

    how many 6"ers do u reckon i can get into a 1.2x.1.2x2.0m grow tent?
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    S.o.g advice!!

    if i put em into 6" pots n induce flower like u sed at 4-8" will they be ok or will they become root bound?
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    S.o.g advice!!

    thats the dogs bollocks that m8 fuck me id love a set up like that, gonna have to get a nice mommy plant on the go n get the cuttings i well gotta have a crack at that, wot u yielding per cut?
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    S.o.g advice!!

    dont see the sense in it tbh
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    Wilma system crowding issues

    hey all, thinking of buying a wilma system as ive heard nowt but gd reviews n they look the shit but i keep hearing that crowding is an issue as plants get bigger because the pots are so close together, if anyone has any experience of this they'd like to share it'd be gr8ly appreciated.
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    S.o.g advice!!

    im based in uk and there was a guy busted with 26 plants valued at 13k jus dwn road from me, when question he told police he was growing cos he was sick of buyin shit bud in shit deals, he got a 120hrs community service and a fine, in the uk unless u got a huuuuuuuuge crop u jus get tickled on...
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    S.o.g advice!!

    well if i put em into 6" pots was only intending on a few days veg max would that work n how many could i put under a 400w hps? gonna be usin a mainly indica strain such as blue cheese
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    S.o.g advice!!

    hi all, im currently doing a 3 planter under a 400w hps lamp but the bottom buds get shaded by the higher leaves and the s.o.g concept really appeals to me. i plan on buying a 1.2x1.2x2.0m grow tent, what is the smallests pots i could use and the maximum amount of plants i could get in ?
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    pukka blues 3 plant 400w hps grow

    here you go people let me know wot you think, comments advice and questions welcome :leaf:
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    More height more bud

    hey, i've being told that the taller a plant the more it will yield, is this true?