To scrog or not to scrog??

Long while since I've been here but need to get back into things so hear goes....Next run is going to be 4 big buddha cheese from clone in 18ltr pots filled with bio bizz all mix using bio bizz nutes under a 600w hps housed in a 1.2x2.0m budbox with extractor and intake fans. The scrog method really appeals to me and I'm wondering if it would work well with the amount of plants and space? Would using the scrog method improve yield? Thanks in advance for any help or info guys peeeeeace :-o


Well-Known Member
scrog almost always increses yield and overall size of the plant, but it sometimes means you need a longer bit of veg time.


Well-Known Member
and as opposed to scrog I use the same basic principle, but just use LST to get as many tops as I want and then just kinda let them do their own thing...I would like ot do a scrog, but really I just don't have the available space without messing up what I am already doing...
Thanks for the advice rep given :) (Y) , I've just read a scrog diary one absolute animal of a plant 17.5oz but a hell of a long veg cycle and a lot of intricate care think lst may be more my thing gonna look into it and see what I can find. I'll be uploading pics of the babies once they arrive.


Well-Known Member
scrog rocks, usually did LST but now on my 3rd scrog its all good once you time the switch right takes a couple to get the just