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  1. H

    how long can it take to show sex

    All Right M8,it Can Take From 2 Days To 2 Weeks To Show,thay Will Show When Thay Are Ready
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    Soil pH & Moisture Meter???

    Well ive got one and i must say is that i find it verry good.I just keep in the dirt and watch as each day go's by and i can tell when its time to feed and how moist the dirt is. But hay thats what i think
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    You could go with canna,But if i was you look round at what others are useing
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    The begining! (Grow diary? PICS INCLUDED :D)

    From what i can see you nead that light closer than what itis what are you feedin yet and if so what and what light is that you have there.Looking good all the same
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    hello all:joint: just a few pics of my grow.Here we have 9 plants of white widdow,6 are been left to do what thay do best lol.And 3 are in a scrog,Thay are 3 weeks old in coco and been feed canna a+b.Hope you like what you see and feel free to say something nice.
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    Just Harvested Top Half! (Pic)

    Looking Good Hope It Smokes Nice
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    I'm desperate...plants are 3 weeks

    All right m8 try looking on e-bay for a light
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    Keep The Noise Down

    Hello all:joint: What i'am after is. ive got 2 small fans from b n q in my tent the thing is what a noise thay there anything that i can do to stop the noise. Thanks for your help and for looking.:peace:
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    Sorry Slappyboy did not put the DE in my last thred have 1 in all ready.Thanks for that m8 all the same
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    Thanks for that king that realy did help lol. right ive got a little oil heater in there now as well as a humidifier well keep an eye no it and give you more info not just one idear.Thanks for lookin in.
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    Hello all Can anyone give me a good way of geting your humidity down,At the mo its runing at 77 and the temp is 20c. Hope you can help
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    Help I Nead Someboby

    I know ive not flowered them yet, as this only my 2nd grow i did not no that it was ok to fook a round with light times like the way i want to. I mean i no you carnt in 12/12. as thay are 20 days old when can thay be toped??,Can i get some help with that, thanks all.
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    Help I Nead Someboby

    Hello all:blsmoke: Can anyone tell me ive just been given some w.w.plants that have been on 24/7 for 2 weeks.What i want to no is will it be ok for me to turn the light to 18/6 now. thay have just spent 2hrs without light getin them to my place.Thanks for lookin in and any help you can give me
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    need help bad

    if thay are that old you dont nead to spray the soil,just get a jug and pur till cums out the bottom then on more for 2/3 days or till pot feels light to you.Hope that helps m8
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    What time to go from seedling to vegging?

    IMO i would give them 2 weeks b4 you give them nutes,And then only give them 1/2 or even 1/4.I say thay are still to young to give full nutes.And one more thing you dont have to have lights no 24/7 you can go 18/6 now all that will happen is you will have maybe an x week in veg, but lec bill...
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    Hydroponics verses soli

    IMO hydro wins with yeild.But with dirt or coco your f,,k ups take a bit longes to show.
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    how long to flush

    all right purplehaze2,when it cums to flush time you want to go with as least 5/6 days.I take it you would feed 3 times a day with food.So what you do now is three times a day with just water. And the light you run as normal. hope that helps
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    Iv Been Acused Of Photoshopping My Pictures Who Thinks I Have?

    is that the only pic you have ??
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    transplant question

    All right Slip,imo 6in pots are far to small i would go with atleast 7.5lt pots m8. As thay say bigger the pot bigger the roots ie more bud.Should be still ok to repot but you nead to do soon as.Hope that helps good luck
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    1 week in

    How was he wasting light by just sitin there??