Help I Nead Someboby

Head Weeder

Active Member
Hello all:blsmoke:
Can anyone tell me ive just been given some w.w.plants that have been on 24/7 for 2 weeks.What i want to no is will it be ok for me to turn the light to 18/6 now. thay have just spent 2hrs without light getin them to my place.Thanks for lookin in and any help you can give me

Head Weeder

Active Member
I know ive not flowered them yet, as this only my 2nd grow i did not no that it was ok to fook a round with light times like the way i want to. I mean i no you carnt in 12/12.
as thay are 20 days old when can thay be toped??,Can i get some help with that, thanks all.


Well-Known Member
They can be topped right now. As long as they have 5 + leaves i would say. Keep em under 24/0. I find it works better.


Well-Known Member
but 24/o will make it longer to flower not much but 18/6 plants react alot faster when you put them on the 12/12 but you can chang fromw 24/0 to 18/6 when ever you want the plants will probly like the break from th light it when its they make the most food for them self