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  1. BEN199


    You're an asshole
  2. BEN199

    Need help on what you use please.

    Hello all, im looking for some help in slecting some plant food for the flowering stage. Ive been lookin on ebay but iv not had any joy, its pissin me off big time. Could anyone sugest a brand name or something like that i could find EASY for sale on ebay? Any help is apprechated. Thanks. Ben
  3. BEN199

    It's possible to finish after the chop In a vase like idea???

    good question. i'd like to know too. anyone know?
  4. BEN199

    Bad Weather in UK - I think i should chop - Advice needed please.

    where abouts is your friend Rhyspect? cause the next few days the weather temps in my area are just so bad im sure it'll kill it. let us know m8, ty
  5. BEN199

    My First PC Grow, Auto AK-47

    Nice little setup there 24k How much did the kit set you back and where did you get it from if you dont mind me asking mate I was thinking on builiding a little setup like that to also do a Auto or 2 inside of. how many plants you gonna stick in there? and you plannin on doing a ScrOG? Hope...
  6. BEN199

    Bad Weather in UK - I think i should chop - Advice needed please.

    Hey adds. Thanks for following my grow and helping out with question iv had. You've been more than helpfull and i cant thank you enuf. I will chop her today around midd day. Ill post photos n stuff - Not expecting much smoke offf her ( maybe a half Oz- 20g), i chopped off a ton of unformed...
  7. BEN199

    Bad Weather in UK - I think i should chop - Advice needed please.

    more photos in my gallerys BTW. been taking photos every day and putting them in there. They are public for all to see. any advice would be very much appreciated at this stage - im worried about her
  8. BEN199

    Bad Weather in UK - I think i should chop - Advice needed please.

    Hello all. Been checking the weather forcast for the next few days for my location in the UK and its not lookin good. Quite bad actuly. the temperate for the next few days is going to be :12°C at the mostduring the day. and down to 3°C at night which im guessin...
  9. BEN199

    Outdoor Grow Log - UK.

    cheers ads iv been checking the ground each morning soon as i get up to see how it looks and if the dew is getting any worse and seeing if theres any frost. ill probley chop in about 5 days - week. dont wanna risk it with the upcoming bad weather. i know its earlier than is should be, but id...
  10. BEN199

    Outdoor Grow Log - UK.

    Another quick update - More photos Took this morning - ads2312 - Thank for the advice about the mold mate - i checked again earlier this mornin and i found another 3 sites that just started to form mold. Chopped thoes bastards off and was very gentle and carefull not to let it touch...
  11. BEN199

    Outdoor Grow Log - UK.

    Nice pic Richie thats a beauty Looks like you got a nice thick fat cola on top there - looks to be turning purple too yeah you got any more of thoes beauties? wud like to see more photos if u got any mate
  12. BEN199

    Outdoor Grow Log - UK.

    Just checked out your photos mate - Photo of the plant you posted are sweet look nice n stiky n covered in thc yum :D looks like you got some nice well sized buds too for smoking The guys over in the staes are well lucky yeah, they get so mucchh better weather than us, but we make do...
  13. BEN199

    Outdoor Grow Log - UK.

    Some photos from Yesterday - 1 Day later -
  14. BEN199

    Outdoor Grow Log - UK.

    sorry to hear you had to chop early mate,gotta do what u gotta do tho ay. ill make sure i check over all my lower buds when i go to it this afternoon - make sure u post some pics of ur dried smoke mate wud love to see what you got all dried up and what its like :D - dont think ill be gettin...
  15. BEN199

    Outdoor Grow Log - UK.

    Another Update - 4 days later
  16. BEN199

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    amazing photos FDD. love the cat :D thoes buds hanging up are sweeeet! keep up the amazing work!
  17. BEN199

    First Indoor/Outdoor Grow (Window Sill Grow/ Outdoors Grow)

    dont piss in your plants mate, you'll kill em
  18. BEN199

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    That looks out in the open mate, i'd think about moving it. Looks sweet tho. keep up the good work
  19. BEN199

    Outdoor Grow Log - UK.

    Hi Ads Im just taking each day as it comes mate lol. I let mother nature do her work but here in england like ya say weather is shit. Im just gonna be keepin her out as long as i can i think cause im not sure if she is anywhere neer close to being ready. just had a look at your plants they...
  20. BEN199

    Outdoor Grow Log - UK.

    Hey dude. I've no idea what the strain is. Its a seed i got out some pritey nice weed awhile ago. Its lookin nice tho. Cant wait to see some more of your photos aswell mate!