Bad Weather in UK - I think i should chop - Advice needed please.


Hello all.

Been checking the weather forcast for the next few days for my location in the UK and its not lookin good. Quite bad actuly.

the temperate for the next few days is going to be :12°C at the mostduring the day.

and down to 3°C at night which im guessin is going to stunt bud growth and maybe even kill it

btw 3°C = 37.4F
12°C = 53.6F

these are bad temperates and i dont want to loose my plant.

any advice will be apprechated.

Im thinking of cutting in midday tomorow i know its super early but id rather end up with a small bit of smoke than none at all.


Plant is about half way through week 6 flowering :

2010-10-13 11.31.23.jpg
2010-10-13 11.29.03.jpg
2010-10-13 11.30.08.jpg
2010-10-13 11.30.40.jpg
2010-10-13 11.30.32.jpg


more photos in my gallerys BTW. been taking photos every day and putting them in there.

They are public for all to see.

any advice would be very much appreciated at this stage


im worried about her


Active Member
chop her Ben ! Freezing weather coming next week and rain from Sunday according to Sky but we all know what these weather people are like. We had a very mild frost last night down here, nearly got killed by falling conkers in garden but I live in a valley and it's always flipping cold in winter.


Hey adds.

Thanks for following my grow and helping out with question iv had.
You've been more than helpfull and i cant thank you enuf.

I will chop her today around midd day.

Ill post photos n stuff - Not expecting much smoke offf her ( maybe a half Oz- 20g), i chopped off a ton of unformed buds yestersday hoping all the good stuff will go to the bigger buds over the next few days but not to worry
. looks like a Henry when it was wet - after drying it quick on the heater i ended up with about .5g enuf for a fatttt rip on the bong.

more of a heady high than the body high couch lock i wanted but what can ya do ay ;)

Thanks again ads2312.


Active Member
i have a friend with an out door setiva and indica plant, ill let you know how it panns out but it's still going strong even now!


where abouts is your friend Rhyspect?

cause the next few days the weather temps in my area are just so bad im sure it'll kill it.

let us know m8, ty


Active Member
they said on the net yesterday that we are going to get an Arctic blast next week ! Not sure what to do with mine. Its in the shed under lights now but trying to hang it out until the 30th as its really not ready. Could do with even longer but going away then so have no choice. Still not browning and milky so god know what it will be like ! Not sure if what will happen in the shed if we get minus numbers?
Maybe I should do the same next weekend and cut my losses, that way I can have a week of drying before I go away and keep an eye on the buds.