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  1. W

    Women of RIU

    Ahhhh I missed the part about proving it! What an asinine request! do they seriously expect you to post a pic of your beasts or something? Besides only a very insecure and egotistical man wouldn't think a woman could know just as much or even more then they do. Personally, I don't care if you...
  2. W

    Women of RIU

    ok so even though this thread has gone way off track...... Just for the record, I'm a female too. But seriously who cares if someone says thanks dude or man. I personally prefer that to honey or sweetheart. When someone refers to me as a male, I just reply with something like thanks baby, stud...
  3. W

    Liquid Co2

    It being a bad idea is why I asked all of you about it. Lol all I know is my plants are healthy looking, bushy, and have leaves the size of my hand. I'm a woman so my hands aren't that big but still..... Stems are thick, leaves are a nice dark green, and some of them are already getting little...
  4. W

    Liquid Co2

    here's a picture of the bottle of that stuff. ok I have no idea how the cat pic got there. Lol I'm not too good attaching pics yet obviously....
  5. W

    Liquid Co2

    Nope the stuff I have is a liquid additive. You only use 1 ml per 10 gallons. I'll post a picture of the bottle later. I've upped the ppm to 300 or so, so far. Is a day long enough to wait before going higher?
  6. W

    Liquid Co2

    I started to raise that some and will continue to until I get up around 1200. My plants are around 5 or 6 weeks now. But my main question was about that liquid co2..... Anyone???????
  7. W

    Liquid Co2

    I threw this question out in another thread not long ago but I wanted to get more input about it. I have a product called liquid co2 boost put out by aquarium pharmaceuticals. It's basically made for aquatic plants. I was hesitant to use it but tried it anyway. My plants shot up literally...
  8. W

    2nd Day of Flowering, Is This a Male?

    I don't know a lot about growing yet..... I can however help you take better pics with a crappy camera. All you have to do is hold a magnifying glass in front of your lens. As long as the camera is auto focus (most cheap point and shoot cameras are) it will focus through the magnifying glass and...
  9. W

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I have a few questions for you. =o) I'm starting my first grow. I have a 4 x4 tent, 400 watt hps and a400 watt mh. Right now I'm just running t5s until I sex my seeds. They are about an inch tall right now. Is it too early to 12/12 them? When do I add the nutrients? I'm going to use ionic bloom...
  10. W

    Baking Soda

    Don't do it. I just learned the hard way that baking soda, although it will raise your ph, It will continually buff your ph up.... i had to drain my whole res and refill it after using baking soda. Go with a ph down adjuster instead.
  11. W

    Baking soda to adjust ph???

    Well it was only 1/4 of a teaspoon in 10 gallons..... But it held the ph steady at 7.10..... ph down would drop it to 6.50 then 20 minutes later it would be back up at 7! ???
  12. W

    Baking soda to adjust ph???

    Update since nobody seemed to know...... don't ever use baking soda! lol It continually buffed the ph up. Had to totally drain and refill the res.
  13. W

    Baking soda to adjust ph???

    Hello all, I'm new here, i've been reding a lot and just started my first grow about a week ago. All my new little friends seem to be doing well. My question is..... after adding nutrients my ph took a massave nose dive! (about 2. something.) I added a tiny bit of baking soda. (i didn't...