Baking soda to adjust ph???


Hello all,

I'm new here, i've been reding a lot and just started my first grow about a week ago. All my new little friends seem to be doing well. My question is..... after adding nutrients my ph took a massave nose dive! (about 2. something.) I added a tiny bit of baking soda. (i didn't have any PH up on hand) Now my ph is 7ish and ph down isn't working. I've already added about 4 or 5 times the recomended ammount to the res. but the change has been tiny and it seems to keep coming back up. should I not have used the baking soda? do i need to flush and refill now? Help!


Update since nobody seemed to know...... don't ever use baking soda! lol It continually buffed the ph up. Had to totally drain and refill the res.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
sorry noone helped, but cheers for coming back with your results. Now i know how to hlep should that question arise again


Well-Known Member
this is a case where a little bit goes a long ways. and yes. good info. thanx for the post.

i knew lemon juice or vinegar can drop ph. its great to know baking soda can raise it.
i suspect this have no ill will for use?


Well-Known Member
i generally just try to use my tap water for ph up, but if it is way off i will use baking soda, or if it keeps dropping drastically i will use baking soda and keeps it steady. someone is going to mention sodium and the roots we are talking about using less than 1/8 tsp for like 3 gallons, so I don't want to hear it.


Well it was only 1/4 of a teaspoon in 10 gallons..... But it held the ph steady at 7.10..... ph down would drop it to 6.50 then 20 minutes later it would be back up at 7! ???


Well-Known Member
Do not use baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar or anything like that. It works definitely, but that doesn't mean it's good. I have used vinegar myself with soil and hydro. It lowered the pH, but in the hydro it caused buildup in the rez and also caused the pH to swing. I switched to Advanced Nutrients pH down and have had absolutely no problems with buildup or pH swings. I bought a 1L bottle for $20 and it only takes a couple drops every few days so it will last a long time. Just my opinion but dont waste your time with using either unless you are looking to change nasty rez water every few days or chase the pH up and down. And if youre doing hydro then you need a lower pH anyways. Around 5.8 is better. Good Luck