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  1. Illegal Smile

    HPS cooling - the light itself

    I have a 600w hps in an air cooled hood with a 6 inch inline fan on it. The fan motor died and it will be awhile till I can replace it. Heat around the plants is still ok since there is plenty of other air moving from other fans. But I'm a little concerned about the temp inside the hood with no...
  2. Illegal Smile

    4 week plant - what's this?

    Seven plants in identical environment, only one has this leaf discoloration, although it continues to grow and look good otherwise.
  3. Illegal Smile

    weird leaf curl - photo

    All factors are fine as evidenced by the other 6 plants that have no issue. These are about to be moved into individual coolers for flower. That light is hurting nothing at this point.
  4. Illegal Smile

    weird leaf curl - photo

    That makes no sense since the 2 that are in the same water are fine, and they haven't been fed anything for 3 days.
  5. Illegal Smile

    weird leaf curl - photo

    I've never seen this before. This came up literally in one hour. There are 4 plants in this tub, they are 3 weeks old. The two in the back suddenly got this leaf curl, while the 2 in front are fine. They were fed Sun and have been great looking since. The 4 in the tub immediately beside this one...
  6. Illegal Smile

    Sick of cfl want input

    First, heat problems are a function of the temp in the room more than the light. If you can keep the outer room temp to 75 or so, an hps will not raise it much. The closet is the problem. Why does it have to be in the closet? My heat problems disappeared when I realized I would never have anyone...
  7. Illegal Smile

    compulsory voting for national elections

    A small hop from them forcing you to vote, and them forcing you to vote how they want. What a stupid idea.
  8. Illegal Smile

    Barneys LSD seeds

    Excellent smoke and good yield, but my experience is from over a year ago. What I didn't like was that (my phenotypes at least) were tall and lanky and my space wasn't good for that.
  9. Illegal Smile

    Recent seeds from Nirvana have not done well

    Of my last 20 feminized Northern Lights, only half have made it to seedlings. I have grown this strain for a long time and used to get 90% or better regularly. Anyone else experienced this? Anyone know of another good NL strain? Also, I grew AK48 for the first time and only got 2 of 5. That's...
  10. Illegal Smile

    Why the current wave of "gun control" is unconstitutional

    I was listening to NPR this am (I try to keep abreast of what the commies are up to :hump:). I was surprised to hear Cokie Roberts asked if she thought anything would come out of this gun control talk except talk. She dejectedly mumbled "probably not" and went into a discourse about how hard it...
  11. Illegal Smile

    Admited Fake Picture of Obama Skeet shooting taken down

    No surprise that a prop gun was used for a prop photo
  12. Illegal Smile

    Admited Fake Picture of Obama Skeet shooting taken down

    Yes, I think that is precisely the benign explanation. Someone thought it might come in handy later. The other explanation is that it would have been easy to manipulate a photo to appear as August. Would I put that past this white house? Hell no! Not after what they have already done.
  13. Illegal Smile

    Navy seal killed at gun range along with another person

    Do you doubt that they were people who needed killing?
  14. Illegal Smile

    Admited Fake Picture of Obama Skeet shooting taken down

    No problem. I confuse me with someone else all the time.
  15. Illegal Smile

    Navy seal killed at gun range along with another person

    True, no attention at all. So what "is" the C in C doing?
  16. Illegal Smile

    Admited Fake Picture of Obama Skeet shooting taken down

    You say that like you don't think I do. I do.
  17. Illegal Smile

    Navy seal killed at gun range along with another person

    So why isn't Obama taking care of them now?
  18. Illegal Smile

    Admited Fake Picture of Obama Skeet shooting taken down

    My only problem with the term is that it is used in blanket fashion. I have great respect for Asians, Native Americans, Hispanics and many others. But not all. And if that makes me a racist, then I DO wear it with pride.
  19. Illegal Smile

    Admited Fake Picture of Obama Skeet shooting taken down

    That's a reasonable position. For me though, it is still trumped by profound doubt that Obama chose to shoot a gun because he wanted to. Perhaps someone was smart enough in Aug to stage a shoot (gun and photo). But even if so the point remains - Obama is not a shooter and it is an attempt to...
  20. Illegal Smile

    Navy seal killed at gun range along with another person

    A draft would only come into play if there were not enough volunteers. The fact that there are volunteers is why we don't need a draft. It is also why we don't "send" anyone, they volunteer.