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  1. D

    Serious problem with leaf cupping and burning

    well i think my problem started when i started leavin it on all night, so thats stopped now and im turning it down too! :)
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    Serious problem with leaf cupping and burning

    ive had the exact same problem past few days and it was baffling the hell out of me cause it was only on one pant, first im thinkin over water, tried not that, roots to wet, tried not that, nitrogen claw, high temp in res, then by the end out today i found it 'wind burn' :) 'gotcha' lol
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    Serious problem with leaf cupping and burning

    have u had a fan on it 24/7??
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    Just Wondering....

    would wind burn cause the leaves to curl under in a claw shape by any chance?? thanks for looking tommy :)
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    First Timer Needs Advice Please/ Middle Fan Leaves 3 weeks 12/12 dying. Help pls!!!

    just a slight nitrogen deficiency mate, the grow looks sound i wouldnt worry. if u added a bit of N now it wouldnt make any difference maybe slow the flowering down if anything and they use up all the nutes in the leaves now anyway.. let them finish now mate looks good imo :) my mate that does a...
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    Just Wondering....

    if u have a fan blowing the plants during dark period, would this dry the plants out?? i think i may have been making this mistake! any thoughts?
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    how do u treat the nitrogen claw?

    anybody?? no one had this before?
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    how do u treat the nitrogen claw?

    ive found out this morning that one of my plants is suffering the "nitrogen" claw im using a flood and drain system and its just in one plant its most serious.. anyone know the easiest way to fix this as ive mooched about and cant get any clear fix in my system.. everyone seems to be saying...
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    big bud probems.. help please

    hi thanks for the replys, they get watered 3 times in one day.. ive been told maybe its because the water in the reservoir maybe to warm and that over 20c they may struggle to take in, i checked the temp and it was 25c so maybe this? thanks for looking guys
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    big bud probems.. help please

    Hi fellow growers, ive a problem with one of my big bud plants and its starting on one more slowly. its the common claw in the leaves but this time im a bit stuck on what is causing it this time, ive spoke to the local grow shop about it and had a bit of input but now i think its time for some...
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    deformed auto flower3 weeks old??

    7 of the big bud are regular and im expecting a male or 2 in them.. what u think, mix it with a big bud?? whats happend in the past when uve had mutants flower oldreefer?
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    Two seedlings not doing well

    propagator mate u need high humidity.. folar spray etc. :)
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    deformed auto flower3 weeks old??

    this is over a week ago
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    deformed auto flower3 weeks old??

    the only thing if its beneficial its in the wrong hands, what could i do with it?? its a feminised auto so it will flower then what.. rejuvinate it? its either auto maria, white widow or auto blue berry, i got them mixed up a bit back and lost which was which... if ur in uk matt its urs come get it!
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    deformed auto flower3 weeks old??

    well ive got 2 other autos, 7 big bud and 3 kush cuttings that are all fine, and that have all just had a mild dose of formulex, ph 6, temps 75c.. now they on ionic grow in a hydro system. all just keep it going then ey and see what happens! lol :)
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    Seedlings looking bad

    u need a propergator mate, or if not possible folar feed.. there drying out!
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    deformed auto flower3 weeks old??

    anyone seen anything like this.. is it worth keep growing??
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    Weird Autoflower Seedling. Anyone Else Seen This?

    whats not normal is that its not growing from the middle like normal seedlings! its just got the 2 leaves and nothing growing out the center!?????
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    Weird Autoflower Seedling. Anyone Else Seen This?

    just wondering if this is normal, its an 3 week old seedling i think its auto maria or auto white widow. as i can see from the pic it not quite how its supposed to be! im goin to keep it growing with the rest see how it plays out but what does anyone else think??? thanks dan
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    Urgent! Help Needed Please!

    yeah it was the yellowness i was tryin to capture, ive been using ionic bloom for 5 weeks, i bought that baby bio today thinking of just adding a little N in the plant pictured just to get it a nice green again! many thanks for the advice mystifiedbongs :) ill get to work on her and be back in...