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  1. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    Hey guys, I harvested and each plant pulled around 95 grams wet, after trimming. The main colas were 25 and 30.4 grams. I left the smallest buds on the plants with their leaves and plan on making hash with them and the trim I've collected. Pics of drying in a few more days. I love growing.
  2. JaiWrap

    Boron Def. at End of Flowering

    So it won't affect my buds then? I looked up Boron deficiency and Calcium deficiencies, and I suppose it won't, but I wanted to hear opinions from experienced growers, if possible. Pics of a cola and its leaves. I believe the protruding stem growth is from switching pots in week six of...
  3. JaiWrap

    Boron Def. at End of Flowering

    My plants are in their ninth week of flowering. Both main colas have the def. at their bottom leaves and it has worked it's way up. The damage is only in the center of the leaves, but I suppose the bud leaves have gotten a deep, dark green. My question, is this a problem that I should be...
  4. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    [Pictures are in order, from better plant, the one that was always in best condition of all six original plants, to the unexpected, oversized female.] I have learned a lot about the propagation process in this grow, and I am content with how my first grow has gone, despite laziness. After...
  5. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    No doubt, and while the lights leak out, light can't leak in after lights out. Every day I seal up the closet and it stays pitch black in there no matter what goes on outside. Checkin your thread after this post.
  6. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    Can anyone tell me if my buds will or won't swell because of the light that leaks out through the corners of my unsealed mylar? It's day 52 of flowering and the trichomes are just starting to get cloudy. Pics are from yesterday.
  7. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    Thanks, I actually would have gone an extra day without doing that if not mentioned. Stoned. Between four and six weeks, I think? I'm just going to watch it out; when i see the hairs retreating back into the bud, I will harvest. At least another month, I'd like to think.
  8. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    My eyes are now experienced enough that I see how deficit my plants were before I started my current nutrient program; the flowering growth looks much nicer, and not just because of the old fan leaves dieing now. I'm putting more N into my nutes already but I don't want to start hurting the rest...
  9. JaiWrap

    1st Grow, CFL Bagseed in Dresser

    Looking good man, keep it up and best of luck to you.
  10. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    Sup guys, it's day 30 of flowering now I think?
  11. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    Purchased some Panda Plastic, anyone else today use it for their growing?
  12. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    Man, I was afraid of that. I'll fix something up then.
  13. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    So, I think something is up with my plants, any suggestions with the curling? It has recently gotten a bit more humid in the room and it stays warmer too, could that be the problem?
  14. JaiWrap

    What's Your Favorite Way to Smoke?

    I prefer to get blunted, but I'll smoke whatever way the people around me fancy. I roll skimpy ass blunts to myself.
  15. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    So if anyone can help me out, look at these pics (just taken) and tell me if I have anything to worry about. For the last few days, the tips of the leaves have been curling under, somewhat, and today, I noticed that a few leaves around the top of each plant have gone crispy. Overnuting or...
  16. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    I'm 95% sure I did haha. The females would already be changing if they had gotten pollinated, right? It has been six days.
  17. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    Hey, guys, so everytime I came on here to upload new pics and give updates, I got errors and couldn't, but now I can. I'm in flowering, now, and things have changed... Down to two plants; I had two boys and two females, now I have two females. I also have 10 bulbs surrounding the females, and...
  18. JaiWrap

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    Hey guys... I haven't posted in a while but it's day 27 now, I think. Been busy in RL... enough to have kept me from doing LST; is it too late to start now? Gonna switch to flower in two weeks, probably. Had a few minor problems. First time nuting with the Dyna-Gro, one plant had its bottom...
  19. JaiWrap

    Either a small or a big problem

    Yeah, a lot of people on here have said 6.9 and 7 are "meh" and at the time I had no choice, but any recommendations to lower soil pH, or am I gonna have to just buy some already fixed?