First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.


I'm 95% sure I did haha. The females would already be changing if they had gotten pollinated, right? It has been six days.


So if anyone can help me out, look at these pics (just taken) and tell me if I have anything to worry about.
For the last few days, the tips of the leaves have been curling under, somewhat, and today, I noticed that a few leaves around the top of each plant have gone crispy. Overnuting or worse? Gonna search for the answer myself until I get a response.

Thanks guys!



Active Member
looks light not enough light, not alot of refletors i think lights just floating into space, had this same problem u can see at the 3rd picture the top of the plant's leaves are pointed up tring to get the light while the bottom of the plant is dark doesnt seem like anylight is making it there.


looks light not enough light, not alot of refletors i think lights just floating into space, had this same problem u can see at the 3rd picture the top of the plant's leaves are pointed up tring to get the light while the bottom of the plant is dark doesnt seem like anylight is making it there.
Man, I was afraid of that. I'll fix something up then.


Active Member
nice grow man! im in my first grow as well and have cfl's too, I won't link in your thread but if you wanna check it out its on my page. I use panda film in my box and I really like it, just bought some more to make my second box. It helps me a lot because I don't have room for reflectors in my box and I can't get lights all the way around the foliage, so the panda film helps me reach the side furthest from the light. Seems to be doing just fine, im still waiting on the sex of my plant but none of the branches seem to be growing any slower or different because of the panda film, I also turn my plants each day so everyone gets a turn next to the lights. Keep up the good grow, +rep too!


Sup guys, it's day 30 of flowering now I think?



My eyes are now experienced enough that I see how deficit my plants were before I started my current nutrient program; the flowering growth looks much nicer, and not just because of the old fan leaves dieing now. I'm putting more N into my nutes already but I don't want to start hurting the rest of the plants.
Plastic was removed and replaced as the pictures were taken; I was improving the space I could work with.
Mind the burns, if spotted, from foliage being too close to light, I just purchased a solution to my heat problem today.



hey bro im no pro but it looks like you should trim some of the fan leaves on the bottom off so those bottom buds get some light.


hey bro im no pro but it looks like you should trim some of the fan leaves on the bottom off so those bottom buds get some light.
Thanks, I actually would have gone an extra day without doing that if not mentioned. Stoned.

Looking damn nice, when you think your harvest date will be?
Between four and six weeks, I think? I'm just going to watch it out; when i see the hairs retreating back into the bud, I will harvest. At least another month, I'd like to think.


Can anyone tell me if my buds will or won't swell because of the light that leaks out through the corners of my unsealed mylar? It's day 52 of flowering and the trichomes are just starting to get cloudy. Pics are from yesterday.


lee harvey

Well-Known Member
hell yeah bro nicely done.... you should take care of those light leaks foam strips work awesome..check my thread-thats what i used for my cabinet.. you really want to make sure your plants are in complete darkness when sleeping... dont want a herm now