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  1. friguy

    My first indoor AND CFL grow

    Got pics in my journal that I have been taking weekly. I think I have a little nute burn but they seem to be doing ok. Gonna switch on the timer today.
  2. friguy

    My first indoor AND CFL grow

    Very nice. I hope I can do as well.
  3. friguy

    fire hazard labels?

    True watts are true watts. Don't worry about the equivalant. It the bulb uses 13 watts then add them up and never exceed the rated wattage of the lamp or the splitter or any cords etc.
  4. friguy

    Is this mag. def

    Alexander, It was just after a transplant. i will keep that in mind. Thanks
  5. friguy

    Is this mag. def

    I added cal/mag the last time I watered. About a week ago. It looks a little worse on the leaves that were already affected, but shes growing good and the new leaves look good.
  6. friguy

    HELP PLEASE need some one whos experienced

    Agreed learning2farm. I have one plant that the leaves look almost identical to your pics. The other plant looks perfect. This is my second attempt and had similiar problems last time. Only both plants had the same symptoms as yours. This time the one with the problem is from bagseed. The one...
  7. friguy

    Is this mag. def

    Thanks, Turm and MrStickyScissors I added cal/mag last watering and it didn't seem to help. Wondered about nute burn too. The other plant next to it looks fine. Although they are a few days different in age, so on a different watering schedule.
  8. friguy

    Is this mag. def

    Is this a mag. def. problem?
  9. friguy

    LST/SCROG training methdz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How tall/old should the plants be before you start the LST and is it a waste of time to do it in veg. if they may turn out to be male?
  10. friguy

    Growing Again

    i will tie it over today and see how it does
  11. friguy

    Growing Again

    Should I top it. It wants to grow into my light and I don't want to keep raising my light so far away from the rest of the plant,
  12. friguy

    Growing Again

    Checked my light schedule and timer all seems ok. Timer off a little from all the power outages recently but set on ten hours on fourtten off. you think still 4 to 6 weeks huh. Dammit I am ready now lol
  13. friguy

    Growing Again

    Here are some pics of the top and one of a smaller one that shows more how close they are ready to harvest. Thanks
  14. friguy

    Growing Again

    My plants have been in bud stage for a couple of months. Last week they look like a few more days they would be ready to harvest. Now this week they seem to have taken off growing again. I haven't changed anything. Any ideas as to why they would do this? Thanks
  15. friguy

    Lowryder #2 x Ak-47 85watt Cfl Closet Grow

    Looking good miggy. 17 days huh, they should really start to grow now.
  16. friguy

    What temperature is too cold?

    you guys are too funny i needed a good laugh thanks
  17. friguy

    What temperature is too cold?

    What temperature is too cold and what is a good ppm for your water?
  18. friguy

    Lowryder #2 x Ak-47 85watt Cfl Closet Grow

    Good luck with your grow man.
  19. friguy

    leaves burning 3 and a half weeks into flowering

    Mine look about the same. About 14 days into flower. I have not added any nutes. Useing MG soil and I know what people say, but I have had pretty good luck so far.
  20. friguy

    Anyone know what's going on here?

    Diana sorry I haven't got back to you on this. Here are a couple more pics. The temps have been much warmer the last week and I think that was my problem. I insulated the floor today and next week is suppose to be colder here. A couple hundred miles south of you probably. My floor temps were in...