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  1. C

    Drug Test - Do NOT Use Synthetic Urine - I Just Got "Invalid Test" From Using It!!!

    Quick fix works for SURE, I've used it for pre-employment UA's, random UA's at work, felony bond supervision UA's, misdemeanor probation UA's in multiple counties, used it at doctor's offices, quest labs, government testing centers, used it at least a dozen times. There was a problem with one...
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    Hottest Pepper In The World "Naga Jolokia" (Grown in Hydro)

    They sell refillable paint sprayers with a glass reservoir that would probably work. Home depot has em.
  3. C

    Re-elect Obama 2012 thread

    I am a lefty, that is saying don't vote for Obama, vote third party(even if that means libertarian) or don't vote for president. He is a corporatist, and a liar. Until we show the Dems they can't get away with this, then they will never change. No more voting for the lesser of 2 evils...
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    Wisconsin Revolt

    What is your point? I said we had negative inflation, you said "no we don't" and posted a chart that still shows disinflation...along with statements that are making it more and more clear that you don't know what you are talking about. Some inflation is normal, wanted even. In fact...
  5. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Ok, the SGS "alternative" inflation rate follows the CPI rate just 4% still shows disinflation in 2009/10 and shows that inflation is lower than it has been in years... And I think you are confusing the Feds policies of ignoring food and energy prices when calculating interest...
  6. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Except that the rich aren't being taxed down to the level of the middle class. Not even close. Nor are the poor being brought up to even the level of the middle class, you can't even survive on welfare nowadays, let alone live well. The rich aren't prevented from doing anything because of...
  7. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Yeah when the working class earned a living wage...I think unionization was around 70% then too. And which is it, stupidity or personal choice? Unless you are asserting they chose to be stupid(which I don't think anyone does). And you are free to "think" whatever you want, but I live in...
  8. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Congratulations, you found every state with an exemption of more than 30k, and in record time. And I don't know too many places where you can get a decent home, fit for kids, for less than 150k(at least before the crash), and most...
  9. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    What inflation? We had negative inflation last year. Ever heard of fractional reserve banking? The fed didn't double shit, just covered the banks balance sheets. China has been manipulating its currency for DECADES. Yes, every government in the world manipulates currency to a degree, but it...
  10. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    That is a real round about way to justify using "redistribution of wealth". You have to know the connotations associated with that phrase. But yes, allocation of resources through democracy, that is what makes us the greatest country on earth. Isn't there something...a word...for when all...
  11. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    You think the economy would have grown by that amount if the bottom 90% weren't swimming in debt? Put 2 and 2 together man, if there is no consumer debt, there is no consumer, there is no gdp growth. Now, maybe if working people in the country could still earn a living wage they wouldn't have...
  12. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    You started off right, but quickly delved into the world of wrong. China has pegged their currency to ours, but they pegged it BELOW our currency(in order to make buying goods from China more attractive). How do you think they keep their currency "pegged" without manipulation? And it's no...
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    Wisconsin Revolt

    I think, again, you are the one who is talking out their ass. No, I am not familiar with the specific homestead exemptions in each state, and the state I live in now doesn't have one. But I think you'd be hard pressed to find 5 states with exemptions greater than $30,000, it is usually less than...
  14. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    You are talking about starting a trade war, christ, you really do want to take us back to the 20's. Someone didn't pay attention in history class.
  15. C

    Anyone Ever Have A Mushroom Pop Up Out Of Their Soil?

    mushrooms are good, just a sign of healthy mycorrhizae
  16. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Yes, the government provides services, but very few of those services are involved with redistribution of wealth. And it's not a matter of it being too expensive to do business here, it's a matter of the countries exporting to us having no labor standards. There are lot of ways the government...
  17. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Ok. That doesn't change the fact that the "american performed" jobs were offshored from America to other countries. I still don't see how what you are saying pertains to my point, which is that government employment has increased while employment in the other industries listed has fallen...
  18. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    What is your point? The positions were offshored, are you saying they weren't? I don't see a point here. And the companies didn't relocate, just the jobs.
  19. C

    Wisconsin Revolt

    That isn't true, at all. This is what scares me, people who have no grasp on reality despite the fact that they are actively involving themselves in the political process through debate. The world you describe just doesn't exist. When you consider all taxes(not just the federal income tax)...
  20. C

    No, Not All Of Them, Just One

    John McCain wasn't born in America, his birth certificate shows he was born in Panama and not on an American military base. But no one questions his citizenship because his mother was a US citizen. Let's just PRETEND for a minute that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii(which is bullshit), the...