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  1. G

    Help Everythings been great, Till now... (w/ lots of pics)

    Ok I have this problem figured out The problems are... Phosphorus, Potasium, and Mag defenicy. Due to nute lock out cause my soil ph was/is to high. I am using Epsom salt to adjust the Mag and wil foilar feed to try and help with the others. Thanks too all who helped with this.
  2. G

    Help Everythings been great, Till now... (w/ lots of pics)

    Im ordering some right now, but to correct the problem for now I plan to you lemon juice I have it here.
  3. G

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    So what do you think how much more time do they need?
  4. G

    Help Everythings been great, Till now... (w/ lots of pics)

    What should I make the ph of my water to lower from 8 to 6.5?
  5. G

    Help Everythings been great, Till now... (w/ lots of pics)

    So should I flush Then check the ph. again and adjust accordingly? Or just adjust?
  6. G

    Please help leaves yellow curling up , pics included what did i do wrong???

    I am haveing the xact same problem. and the answer that I keep coming up with IS Ph being off also maybe Mag Defiency due tio the ph being off I ma going to flush and use some epsom salts.
  7. G

    Help Everythings been great, Till now... (w/ lots of pics)

    Ok admitted. I am a noob at this. So I need some help. i started this plant around mid August give or take a few days, and has now been flowering for 5-6 wks ish. And has been doing great till just in the last wk or so. The lower fan leaves and some of the upper have started to curl up ward...
  8. G

    Long time reader, First time poster.

    Happy wake and bake all. As it says in the title this is my first time posting so I just Thought that i would start here. I am currently on my first grow. It is going well but I have encountered a few problems recently. Which I will be posting on shortly.