Help Everythings been great, Till now... (w/ lots of pics)

Ok admitted. I am a noob at this. So I need some help. i started this plant around mid August give or take a few days, and has now been flowering for 5-6 wks ish. And has been doing great till just in the last wk or so. The lower fan leaves and some of the upper have started to curl up ward (imagine a canoe), turn brown and die. Now the leaves are turning very yellow as well but that is b/c of the bloom fert I am using. The foliage around the buds looks pretty good so far but it seems this problem it creeping upward. I also have another plant that has the same problems but it is only abut ten days in to flowering. Two others ten days into flowering with no problems at all. Also on the younger plant there are almost black splotches on the leaves. ok i think that covers the problem here is the pertinent info.
12/12 light cycle
soil medium
75 day time temp/68 night time temp
30-40% realtive humidity
34 26 watt cfl bulbs 26-2700K and 8-6500K
Blue Mountain Organics Fertilizer- Flower power NPK 1-8-7 every 6 days
Blue Mountain Organics-Super Plant Tonic (Trace Minerals and positive Micro Organisms) AND Those are links to my Fertilizer. And here are the pics. They are only of the Older Plant. Also if any one want to take a guess on when she'll be ready to harvest pls do, Try hairs are just starting to turn red and the tricombs are still clear and standing straight up. Also my soil ph is about 7.5 and run off ph is closer to 8.076.jpg081.jpg082.jpg073.jpg077.jpg072.jpg078.jpg083.jpg075.jpg074.jpg079.jpg Let the Miracles Answers Begin!!!!!!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Okay, first thing to do is get your PH under control. Growing in soil your PH should be 6.0-6.5 it also looks like it is running out of nitrogen. It is normal to get some yellowing near the end of the flowering cycle as the plants are using up stored Nitrogen in the leaves. I think that is the yellowing. As for the black spots, I think it could be related to the unregulated PH.


Well-Known Member
First off a good pH would be between 6.3 and 6.7, 8 is just a little too high.

I bet that's why you're having problems in general. Might be some nutrient deficiency because the stems are purplish but the leaves do turn yellow towards the end of harvest.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Definitely pH related, but your plants aren't looking that bad. Actually, some of the better noob plants I've seen.

The deficiency you are seeing near the bottom is a Phosphate shortage. It's usually pretty easy to tell because in a way it sorta looks like mold, but it isn't. That and the leaves are the right kind of yellow for it to be a phosphate thing.

Now, that doesn't really mean you need to slam your plants with more bloom nutrients. These kind of deficiencies just come and go. It probably needed those elements a week ago and you didn't know what it would want because you've never grown this particular strain. So the window to slam those phosphates has come and gone and the plant just took what it needed from lower leaves that aren't as important as building new flowers.

Looks like you're pretty close to just right. Maybe a little more P and K, but at this point you might have your levels just right. I say take this as a learning experience, keep notes, and when you grow her again you can be sure to try and add those extra nutrients during the proper time.

Still though, get that pH in check and that might solve the problem too.
Ok I have this problem figured out The problems are... Phosphorus, Potasium, and Mag defenicy. Due to nute lock out cause my soil ph was/is to high. I am using Epsom salt to adjust the Mag and wil foilar feed to try and help with the others. Thanks too all who helped with this.