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  1. S

    Anyone know what this is???

    I AGREE SMOKE IT!!!! ( = yeahya
  2. S


    hey i have these two plants that i have just recently started right next to each other and i was planing on grafting them together ?!?!?!?!!? hehehe i thought it would be a cool thing to try gonna wait a lil b4 i try then im going to do any advice would be helpful or just...
  3. S

    my baby's goin down and im noob help

    the light is GE Plant Flood Light, 120 Watt
  4. S

    my baby's goin down and im noob help

    can anyone tell me if this light will work good for my single plant and if so how much should i space it away from the plant and how long should i keep it on
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    my baby's goin down and im noob help

    thanks again any help is very appreciated
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    my baby's goin down and im noob help

    no it was just some soil i bought from wall-mart..but i did put in 2 ( one inch) sticks of was all fine until i moved the plant closer to the light ....thats why i was thinking it was heat.....either way is the plant going to live or should i start germinating more sees?
  7. S

    my baby's goin down and im noob help

    Thank You Much Apreciated ( =
  8. S

    my baby's goin down and im noob help

    first off first time ever growing...well i have no clue what type of light i have but it reads over 2000 lumensand puts out alot of it was all going good till i moved the plant bout 2 inches away from the light... then the two pointey leaves dried up...sooo bein the dummy i am i...