my baby's goin down and im noob help


Active Member
first off first time ever growing...well i have no clue what type of light i have but it reads over 2000 lumensand puts out alot of it was all going good till i moved the plant bout 2 inches away from the light... then the two pointey leaves dried up...sooo bein the dummy i am i pulled them off....then i put the plant further away from the light again...and it is a day later and seems to be doing says i can only have one plant at a time so..i need to know if it will keep growing or if it will die?? and any help will be greatly appreciated thanks much..


Istayz High

Well-Known Member
get yourself a 30 watt cfl. for now that will do till your plants get a couple of weeks old. Hang it above the plant about an inch over the baby. get your self a fan. and you should be good. don't give any nutes till she is older.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
are you sure it was from heat? cfl's can usually be put 1-2 inches away without a problem. It could be nute burn.. are you using miracle grow soil?


Active Member
no it was just some soil i bought from wall-mart..but i did put in 2 ( one inch) sticks of was all fine until i moved the plant closer to the light ....thats why i was thinking it was heat.....either way is the plant going to live or should i start germinating more sees?

mr j2

Well-Known Member
it'll live just be gentle with it. try moving the light a little further away and flush. and dont add any more nutes. But if it looks like its about to die you may want to add a tiny bit of superthrive (you can get it at walmart and other places) and that might help revive it.


Active Member
can anyone tell me if this light will work good for my single plant and if so how much should i space it away from the plant and how long should i keep it on