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  1. I

    Problems with Cuttings, pls help!!!

    I cut on a 45 ° angle. Then i cut away 2-3 growing tips from the cutting, so everyone has 2 pairs of leafs. And i made some small cuts in the stem, cuz from everyone cut in the stem roots shall iniciate.
  2. I

    Problems with Cuttings, pls help!!!

    I put them into clone gel from hesi. But after 7 days there should be some roots out of the stem or not?
  3. I

    Problems with Cuttings, pls help!!!

    I took 6 cuttings from a veg mother 7 days ago, and put the cuttings into hesi root clone and then into wet roockwool cubes. I was wondering why are there still no roots coming out of the roockwool cubes so i opened 2 rockwool cubec (i cut them in halb, and made a look at the stem of the clone...