Problems with Cuttings, pls help!!!


Active Member
I took 6 cuttings from a veg mother 7 days ago, and put the cuttings into hesi root clone and then into wet roockwool cubes. I was wondering why are there still no roots coming out of the roockwool cubes so i opened 2 rockwool cubec (i cut them in halb, and made a look at the stem of the clone, and there is not even 1 root coming out of the stem, where i cut the cutting after 1 week.

What is wrong? They are in these little greenhouse you can buy for 10 $, and i spray them regularly with water. They are just in my room, with no special light.


Active Member
I put them into clone gel from hesi. But after 7 days there should be some roots out of the stem or not?


Well-Known Member
How did you cut them?


Check out what this guy does to his clones to make sure they root.
Just remember to scrape lightly all the way round, he did one side to show you what he meant. :)


Hope this helps.


Active Member
I cut on a 45 ° angle. Then i cut away 2-3 growing tips from the cutting, so everyone has 2 pairs of leafs. And i made some small cuts in the stem, cuz from everyone cut in the stem roots shall iniciate.