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  1. sticky.thumb

    second attempt 400 watt NL & BS

    Good news, I harvested two plants both northern lights, hung them up almost a week ago in a big cardboard box, and put a small 9 inch fan inside for air circulation, the bud dried out quickly, in 3 days.. and I now have it curing in jars and its already great to smoke. I smoke a fat blunt of it...
  2. sticky.thumb

    Hey blunt rollers? Post that blunt you just rolled

    Bump.. Come on lets see some more blunts!
  3. sticky.thumb

    second attempt 400 watt NL & BS

    Hey Sticky here.. So I'm seeing some light at the end of the tunnel! Almost done.. Yesterday I gave the two Northern Lights I flushed their last watering before I harvest them.. And the the third (and largest) Northern Light I feed yesterday and I will begin flushing it within a few days.. and...
  4. sticky.thumb

    Hey blunt rollers? Post that blunt you just rolled

    Hey here is what I'll be token on when its 4:20 pm today on 4/20/11.. I don't know if it tops GoNustGrower's blunt he posted the other day but check it out and you decide.. I don't have a scale but I'd say I used about 3 to 3.5 grams. Happy 420!! :bigjoint::bigjoint:
  5. sticky.thumb

    Amature Bud Porn..... First Grow results

    looks great man keep it up!
  6. sticky.thumb

    happy 420 everyone +rep

    Happy B Day and 4/20!!
  7. sticky.thumb

    Hey blunt rollers? Post that blunt you just rolled

    Nice NoGutsGrower! For sure the best blunt so far... Not sure if anyone will top that + rep
  8. sticky.thumb

    Hey blunt rollers? Post that blunt you just rolled

    Nice blunt Benny!! Perfect roll + rep
  9. sticky.thumb

    Hey blunt rollers? Post that blunt you just rolled

    Roll them inside out? Now that would be hard to roll.. Is there an advantage to rolling it inside out? Next time I'm in the cigar shop I'll have to pick up a Garcia vegas.. I haven't tried them yet..
  10. sticky.thumb

    Harvest Transport Question

    Ya the cops will just pull you over for no reason then say "oh there was a break and enter in the neighborhood and you/your veichel marches the discription..."
  11. sticky.thumb

    Hey blunt rollers? Post that blunt you just rolled

    Lol I mostly roll GT5 blunts now
  12. sticky.thumb

    Hey blunt rollers? Post that blunt you just rolled

    thanks man, here is one I rolled the other day
  13. sticky.thumb

    Hey blunt rollers? Post that blunt you just rolled

    Hey with 420 coming up I know we'll be rolling some crazy shit.. I personally love blunts, when I'm not using the vaporizer I'm hittin' a blunt, I roll with chocolate Phillies..Smoke em almost everyday(toking on one right now) So lets see some blunt rolling skills, post a pic, and or whats you...
  14. sticky.thumb

    second attempt 400 watt NL & BS

    HEY RIU! Sticky here, I got a little handheld microscope and looking at my girls trichs they are mostly milky and a lot seem clear to me too but I went ahead and flushed two of them today. Looking at them they seem to be done their hairs are mostly orange now and the buds have filled out (the...
  15. sticky.thumb

    1st Grow - Sea of Green, 2x6 Standard Sliding Door Closet

    I grow in a similar sized closet.. Glad to hear you don't have heat issues as I did at first, but nice set up! You seem to do alot of research so I'm sure your grow will turn out to be "fruitful" good luck!! And good read I'll be folowing along
  16. sticky.thumb

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey any help here would be appreciated, I basically need to know if I should flush now or is it too late? How much longer do you think? thanks Below is her top bud And a mid bud more mid buds
  17. sticky.thumb

    second attempt 400 watt NL & BS

    Hey sticky here and I'm hoping someone out there can help a newbie out.. So I'm on week 7 of flowering and two of my girls seem to be very close! I'm worried because I haven't started to flush them yet, SO is it too late? or too soon? should I flush now? how much longer to go for this one? (see...
  18. sticky.thumb

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey any help here would be appreciated, I basically need to know if I should flush now or is it too late? How much longer do you think? thanks Below is her top bud And a mid bud more mid buds
  19. sticky.thumb

    What Kind of Drug is in This Flower?

    I hear crack flowers are hella hard to grow