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    Is it ready

    how do i kno when is my plant ready for harvest
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    can i cure it in a jar

    so wat should i do so it wont rot
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    can i cure it in a jar

    ok its out of the jar i have it in a dark erea spreded out
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    can i cure it in a jar

    i got a question today i harversted i need help on how to cure or dry my weed i have it in a jar rite please
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    is it flowering

    ok cool shes on day 12 of flowering ,,wow growing is not that bad and im using hydroponics for my first plant ever
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    is it flowering

    is it flowering tho
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    is it flowering

    i need help is my plant starting to flower:joint: [/IMG]
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    is it flowering

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    is it flowering

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    is it flowering

    [/IMG] got it can someone plz tell me thats a FLOWER
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    how do i add pics to my post
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    is it flowering

    can some help me how to add pics on here so i can show yall
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    is it flowering

    hi RIU im on day 12 of flowering my blackberrry what kind of signs am i looking for flowering would i know if it started to flower..if u can send pics that would be nice thank you
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    i RIU i got a question how long does it take to flower a plant
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    flowering light

    can i use a 150w HPS bulb to flower my 17in plant
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    when should i flower

    can i use a HPS 150w to flower my plant
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    when should i flower

    ok cool what kind of light should i use to flower two plants something cheap but good
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    when should i flower

    its acually 17in should i start flowering
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    when should i flower

    hi guys i got a question when should i start to flower my growing it of hydroponics and its about 13 inch
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    what does it mean

    hi guys i just bought this clone at my local disp..and it has a tag on it saying "F13 BB" is it blackberry or bubba please help