can i cure it in a jar


i got a question today i harversted i need help on how to cure or dry my weed i have it in a jar rite please


Well-Known Member
you just cut it today and now its in a jar? you need to hang it to dry for at least 3-4 days...get it out the jar its gonna mold if that shits wet


Well-Known Member
hang to dry in dark for 3 to seven days till dry to touch put in sealed jar after for 12 hours then open jar if wet again hang up or place on screen repeat till dry everytime you open jar then smoke when you want do this now if u cut today get them out of the jar they will mold


Well-Known Member
a LOT more to understand. just drying to the touch isn't enough, the stem should snap. then use the jar to start curing. but read other well written articles on here.


Active Member
mota, let the harvest dry untill the stems are dry but not quite snaping when you bend them, you really want them just to crack when you bend them. some people dry till the stem snaps. check once a day for around 3 days, dont put a fan on them, this will dry them too quickly. when the stems are ready put the buds in a jar loosly packed and lay the jar on its side. open the jar once or twice a day for about a week. keep a close eye out for mold or excessive moisture. when you open the jar and dont feel any more moisture in it, burp it about 3 more days and then let it cure unopened. for as long as you want.


Active Member
Yeah you need to hang dry it in a dark room for a few days, then put them into a jar. Open the jar one day, close it the next. repeat until it has your desired moisture level. There is a great thread on it in the harvesting and curing forum