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  1. W

    Best (if any) way to avoid hermies with feminized seeds?

    No light leaks will help when in the dark period.
  2. W

    I Found a Secret Room In My House!

    yeh PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN!!!! :)
  3. W

    Women Who Smoke....

    Yeh my mrs. smokes too, probably more than me lol. Just a matter of finding them me thinks :)
  4. W

    First Grow/ Smoked

    Good for you bro! Enjoy the smoke ;)
  5. W

    my sleep seems disorderd now that i

    Also if your having probs sleeping, try exercising or doing cardio after work. It will take it out of you and when you do have weed before bed, you'll be hell tired and just want to crash out. I normally can't sleep when I have no weed!
  6. W

    Not cool!

    Generally they come up pretty quick, depends where/how you store them. I germed a lemon skunk recently by soaking in bottled water, then paper towel/cling film trick, then moved to rockwool. The seed had leaves in a few days. Depends on your climate/temp too. But then can take a while to germ too.