my sleep seems disorderd now that i


Well-Known Member
smoke alot --i started to grow about two years ago been smokeing heavy ever since --at first weed seened to put me to sleep -- now imoften awake all night or go to sllep in weee hours of the morn --sometimes the opposite fall right to sleep then wake about halfway through-and that is it

am i alone on this

if not what do you do about it

sometimes drinkin wit bud helps sometimes not --when drinking to i get more of the fall asleep fast wake up early am and no more sleep for that day

keep em green

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I have had sleeping problems for 15 years and the only thing that lets me enjoy a full night of sleep with no side affects is bud...I have tried not smoking for periods at a time and I am fucking miserable. The last time I went months without herb I was literally sleeping 2 or less hours a night for 6 months...Not fucking cool. I would rather smoke than take a pill that renders me fucking totally unconscious.


Active Member
indica or sativa? I have issues sleeping all the time. smoking an indica fixed that for me i havnt been able to smoke in a while and drinkin does help but i feel like shit after and just wish even more that i had my buds


Well-Known Member
I have had sleeping problems for 15 years and the only thing that lets me enjoy a full night of sleep with no side affects is bud...I have tried not smoking for periods at a time and I am fucking miserable. The last time I went months without herb I was literally sleeping 2 or less hours a night for 6 months...Not fucking cool. I would rather smoke than take a pill that renders me fucking totally unconscious.
Maybe that why your always so grumpy haha no just messing with ya :-D

I got really bad insomnia related to ptsd from a combat deployment when i was still in the marine corps. Got out started smoking bud don't take any of the crap pills they gave me any more, Ambien, tradazone, celexa and many more. I self medicated with alcohol for a while and it helped but after a few months unless i drank stupid amounts of alcohol it actually increased my insomnia symptoms. After dealing with it for years and in the medical fiend now doing pre med i realized from research insomnia is just a bad habit that can be triggered by many things. Instead of drinking large amount of alcohol before you go to sleep have a cup of sleepy time herb tea i know it sounds gay but trust me it works wonders. Try to go to sleep around the same time everyday and don't do anything in the bed you sleep cept sleep and fuck. Also physical fitness plays a big part on your sleeping habits as well Working on better sleeping habits will relief insomnia by a lot. I hope this help man because insomnia in my eyes is a very stressful life consuming habit.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
indica or sativa? I have issues sleeping all the time. smoking an indica fixed that for me i havnt been able to smoke in a while and drinkin does help but i feel like shit after and just wish even more that i had my buds
When i get an upset stomach, I smoke. When I get a headache, I smoke...When my back hurts, I smoke...I could take a cocktail of big pharma's offerings but I utilize my script for all of these conditions...because weed works.

You might just need to up your activity levels during the day, and maybe if you drink coffee, dont drink it after like 2pm...

Just because you feel high and lethargic doesnt mean that your body wont appreciate the exercise!

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Maybe that why your always so grumpy haha no just messing with ya :-D

I got really bad insomnia related to ptsd from a combat deployment when i was still in the marine corps. Got out started smoking bud don't take any of the crap pills they gave me any more, Ambien, tradazone, celexa and many more. I self medicated with alcohol for a while and it helped but after a few months unless i drank stupid amounts of alcohol it actually increased my insomnia symptoms. After dealing with it for years and in the medical fiend now doing pre med i realized from research insomnia is just a bad habit that can be triggered by many things. Instead of drinking large amount of alcohol before you go to sleep have a cup of sleepy time herb tea i know it sounds gay but trust me it works wonders. Try to go to sleep around the same time everyday and don't do anything in the bed you sleep cept sleep and fuck. Working on better sleeping habits will relief insomnia by a lot. best friend was/is a marine and he is on a bunch of pharms...I wish he could smoke but since he is still working for a defense contractor that works with Uncle Sam he is still prohibited from using weed. I wish he could (and so does he) just smoke some herb and toss the rest of that shit away...

They got him on pills for: headaches, PTSD, backaches, bloodpressure, a couple others...dudes not even 30!

Like he always says: "Ah, the Corp... the gift that keeps giving"


Active Member
Wow, way to not say anything but "You are wrong, weed helps you sleep!"

I'm right there with ya, I can't smoke right before going to sleep. I generally smoke the shitty hybrid stuff (for a few more weeks until my first med harvest is ready that is! :D) that I get off the street. No matter what I smoke though, it gets me super motivated. I actually have a club with some of my friends called the "high hike club" where we go into the woods in random areas and smoke a bunch trying to get lost. Most of my friends fail at it, so I do it alone and have found some of the most wonderful amazing places in the world. I can only jog when I smoke a redic amount, otherwise I can't bring myself to do it, also the lower back pain sucks for it. I started jogging well high and can only job while high. Before I started smoking I was a lazy bastard that spend 14 hours a day playing video games. Now I hike every chance I get and for insane hikes, not those drive out to a senic spot and walk up some stairs, but the serious trail blazing shit, where I have no idea where I am. I jog 3-5 times a week, and get blazed as fuck every time before I jog, usually going for 2-3mile jogs every time.

When I smoke, my mind buzzes with so many things, its impossible to sleep. I sit there awake for hours if I try to sleep high, just thinking about things, unable to shut my mind off for 5 seconds, I refuse to smoke if I plan to sleep anytime soon. It just wakes me up. I will be groggy, unable to move, no way in hell able to go jogging, but I smoke a bowl or two and I am WIDE awake.

Your not alone, just don't smoke right before bed, give yourself a few hours.


Well-Known Member
Jank -yeah sounds like me but i be puffin all day right up to bed time --iwill check out yo thery

SuTra-you hit that one exactly on head and you know the issue

Pl rep to both you gents

happy holidays to you and yours - i wish i could send you a christmas drink
keep em green


Also if your having probs sleeping, try exercising or doing cardio after work. It will take it out of you and when you do have weed before bed, you'll be hell tired and just want to crash out.

I normally can't sleep when I have no weed!


Well-Known Member
indica or sativa? I have issues sleeping all the time. smoking an indica fixed that for me i havnt been able to smoke in a while and drinkin does help but i feel like shit after and just wish even more that i had my buds
yah, if its keeping you up then its most likely a sativa, it gets me all hyoer and i go into a cleaning frenzy. lol but the indica puts me right out. just like mr. mike said,


Well-Known Member
heh im doin rez chemdog sour diesel now and just and before that was some Elite Genetics gear

barbie doll i memeber U --yu da one wit da easy ryder post -- im the one that told you i just ordered one nad planned to crooss it with one of my six diesel ryder beans --and promised you a hook up --when it happens i got you


Well-Known Member
inability to sleep can often be linked to depression. Also an inability to sleep and depression are both what you'll find in medical info on the withdrawl symptoms of marijuana use (just rehashing what internists will tell you...).

I have major insomnia when I don't smoke, then again my primary reason for smoking is to control depression, so it's hard to say what is chicken and what is egg...

One thing I have found is that a super potent brownie or two will knock me out very quickly, but they have to be incredibly potent or I just sit there unable to talk for hours...


Well-Known Member
smoke alot --i started to grow about two years ago been smokeing heavy ever since --at first weed seened to put me to sleep -- now imoften awake all night or go to sllep in weee hours of the morn --sometimes the opposite fall right to sleep then wake about halfway through-and that is it

am i alone on this

if not what do you do about it

sometimes drinkin wit bud helps sometimes not --when drinking to i get more of the fall asleep fast wake up early am and no more sleep for that day

keep em green
that happens to me when im smoking weaker dope than before. also try not to nap thru the day.


Well-Known Member
inability to sleep can often be linked to depression. Also an inability to sleep and depression are both what you'll find in medical info on the withdrawl symptoms of marijuana use (just rehashing what internists will tell you...).
I was going to reply something along the line too.
It's winter and 1 in 5 people get seasonal affective disorder, AKA SAD. The short daylight hours can cause major depression for people with SAD (myself included) Just sayin'


Well-Known Member
thanks guys some pertanat shit im gona start dishin a few more pl reps dam i love this place
so gobbly is that how you got that name

keep em green 1Luv