Wow, way to not say anything but "You are wrong, weed helps you sleep!"
I'm right there with ya, I can't smoke right before going to sleep. I generally smoke the shitty hybrid stuff (for a few more weeks until my first med harvest is ready that is!
) that I get off the street. No matter what I smoke though, it gets me super motivated. I actually have a club with some of my friends called the "high hike club" where we go into the woods in random areas and smoke a bunch trying to get lost. Most of my friends fail at it, so I do it alone and have found some of the most wonderful amazing places in the world. I can only jog when I smoke a redic amount, otherwise I can't bring myself to do it, also the lower back pain sucks for it. I started jogging well high and can only job while high. Before I started smoking I was a lazy bastard that spend 14 hours a day playing video games. Now I hike every chance I get and for insane hikes, not those drive out to a senic spot and walk up some stairs, but the serious trail blazing shit, where I have no idea where I am. I jog 3-5 times a week, and get blazed as fuck every time before I jog, usually going for 2-3mile jogs every time.
When I smoke, my mind buzzes with so many things, its impossible to sleep. I sit there awake for hours if I try to sleep high, just thinking about things, unable to shut my mind off for 5 seconds, I refuse to smoke if I plan to sleep anytime soon. It just wakes me up. I will be groggy, unable to move, no way in hell able to go jogging, but I smoke a bowl or two and I am WIDE awake.
Your not alone, just don't smoke right before bed, give yourself a few hours.