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  1. N

    Bottled Water Bottle Bong Design

    anything yet?
  2. N

    Onion Pipe

    figured I'd share my pipe with you all. the carb is on the opposite side of the onion so it kinda creates a t. I figured if you were smoking with someone else, you could put in another carb and use it as a double pipe.
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    Best High Food/Drink

    pizza. the good ordered kind not any of that frozen bullshit. Also chocolate dunkers from pizza hut are delicious. I kinda like sonic drinks and burgers a lot. But honestly I'm just happy with anything. I get super-munchies
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    Too Much Bud!

    I'm growing my first plant which is big bud strain. When I bought it, the description said it would topple over with the weight of the plant. It sounded awesome until it actually started happening.:wall: what can I do to keep it upright? btw I'm running 3 fluoros and a halogen. Help is much...
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    10 days old... couple questions!!

    I wouldn't repot until I got a stronger stem and she was less stressed. Just use a fan to strengthen the stem and place the lights directly over where the stem fist comes out of the soil.
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    Call me crazy, my plants talking to me

    Does that only happen during flowering? My bottom leaves are turning yellow right now and I'm trying to figure it out. The whole plant seems to be rotating as well. Any idea what's going on?
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    First Grow Ready, Few last Questions...

    did you aver figure out number two? I'm looking for an alternative as well.
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    Transplant Without Any Stress - In Soil

    thanks a lot. this helps tons
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    Transplant Without Any Stress - In Soil

    How would I know if it was developed enough. I'm sorry I'm a new grower and have researched a lot but still feel completely lost. I know the roots have made it to the sides of the cup but that's about it.
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    Transplant Without Any Stress - In Soil

    Should I transplant now? I'm thinking I should but I'm a little worried because she's been really stressed lately with root gnats and watering issues. I'm on day 26, being 22 days after being planted in the party cup. The bottom leaves have some type of brownish color at the tips. I don't think...
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    leaves curling under help please!

    what's your watering schedule like?
  12. N

    What is a good watering schedule?

    okay I had root gnats and I over watered as of day 21. This plant has been so stressed. I really don't want to stress her out by under watering now. :-? I covered the top 1'4" or so with sand to help with the gnats and it's looking good. I just need to know maybe what the amount per size or just...
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    where do you make the clippings? Just a major branch? I haven't been able to find anything on it. I'm soil growing the mother right now so in a while I'm planning on taking the clones and putting them in a hydro system. rep for who can help
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    Full Size Fake Plants

    awesome. keep my updated if you go through. subbed
  15. N

    Crop tastes like crap ? Lots of undeveloped seeds ?

    I've heard that if you took amazing care of the plant it can come out all female.
  16. N

    Hello! Why can"t we get an arizona forum?

    I support you brotha
  17. N

    Tempeture drop!

    Okay thanks. I was a bit worried even though it probably wasn't justified.
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    Help! when should I transplant my seeds?!?!

    I am on day 3 of my first grow and I can't seem to find when you should transplant to soil. I've been using the paper towel option for my germinating. On of the roots is about a fourth of an inch long. The other a bit shorter. I'm planning on transferring to red party cups with four holes in the...
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    best way to germinate seeds and your own methods that have worked for you .

    I just began my first grow two days ago and my seeds are already sprouting with a 100% success rate. I used the simply paper towel method but placed in between two plates instead of inside a bag. I think by the end of the week or so I will transplant them to a cup of soil to allow growth until I...
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    Tempeture drop!

    I'm two days into the germinating process and my gas got shut off :wall:. This is my first grow so I'm trying not to screw up as best as I can. The temperature will drop to 60 at best and 40 at worst. What can I do to prevent them from dying or will they be okay just for tonight? the gas should...