First Grow Ready, Few last Questions...


Blunt Smoke

Hey guys, I finished setting up my room today minus the carbon scrubber. I'm assuming I don't need it until later into the growth cycle; correct me if I'm wrong. I had a few last questions before I can start:

1) Do I have enough lights? - I'm growing 4 plants in a bubbleponic system. I purchased 4 6500 k 23 watt CFL that emit 100 watt light. and two 2700k 23 watt CFLs. I have them attached to clip on fixtures with reflectors emcompassing them. At them moment I only have two 6300ks and two 2700ks because I feel that is ample for first few weeks. Is this correct.

2) I still can't get hydroton no matter where I look. Online isn't an option at this point due to shipping. Is their a substitute that would work. I bought vermiculite but I don't know if it is a suitable alternative.

3) I was wondering about nutes. Do I have to add any for first few weeks of grow or will it harm my plants?

Thanks, I hope to get some answers.


Well-Known Member
1: you have enough lights to grow 1 or 2 plants up to about 12", imo.

2: vermiculite is not a substitute for hydro. You can use perlite if you have to, but vermiculite holds moisture. How about rockwool? even river gravel can be used if you have to.

3: I don't grow hydro, but I would guess you can start them off on weak nutes once they start getting a couple sets of leaves, and then slowly increase it.

Using a carbon filter immediately is recommend. Even a couple plants a week or two old in veg can stink up a whole house with that very distinctive aroma. You won't notice it, but anybody that walks in will. You will become acclimated to the odor very quickly and not notice it's there.