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  1. J

    Edibles and Overdose - Newbies Read This

    I read this because i'm getting ready to make my first batch of butter. But this story doesn't jive. For one dude. If you go to the hospital, specially for the episode you explaned. You tell the doctors exactly what you eat and drank in the last 24 Hours. If not, your just stupid. Besides, if...
  2. J

    Loosing Smell

    Thanks again for the advice. I too was thinking it was drying to fast. By the 3rd day of drying I jarred em up. A smell does come back but not the same as it did on the plant. I am trying something new. I took one batch and put it directly in the jar 3/4 full and left the jar open. They still...
  3. J

    Loosing Smell

    I did more searching and i'm going to try and dry 1 day less and burp for an extra hour or so. I havn't had the smell come back the same even after a couple weeks of curing with previous buds. Thanks anyway.
  4. J

    Loosing Smell

    My first grow and has gone very good. Thanks to all the info and members on rollitup. When I hang my buds to dry they are loosing their smell after a day. Still very stoney but doesn't smell like anything when on the plant or right after trimming. The steps I have been taking are.... When ready...
  5. J

    chopping down

    My first grow also and have used rollitup for all my info. When my Trichs are aroung 50-50, 50% amber, 50% milky I cut. They smell so good and have turned out great and very stoney. My question is what is happening to the smell during drying? On the plant and after trimming, the buds smell so...
  6. J

    Less humidity???

    big thanks!!!!!!
  7. J

    Less humidity???

    On my first grow and the humidity has been kinda high. Buds have been fandamtastic! But I have noticed a couple with a small area deep inside of a white webby looking stuff. Any thoughts on this? Sorry no pics, but after reading more about's comming down.
  8. J

    First Timer (color spectrum)

    Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. Do you think I will for sure end up with hermis if I do the 24hr lighting using only 2700k. I don't see them beeing stressed at all but as for the other factors I guess it depends on the strain.
  9. J

    First Timer (color spectrum)

    i know 12/12 is the way you should go. This is a project so no big deal what happens. 12/12 unless you want a hermi yes. But what really causes a plant to become a hermaphrodite?
  10. J

    First Timer (color spectrum)

    Thanks Rollitup community. Tons of very usefull info. Any thoughts on running 24hrs of 2700k for flowering? I have been using 6500k for veg from day one. About 6 weeks. Couple plants are showing some pistils so I did 24hr of no light. Now I have started 24hrs of 2700k for flowering only...