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  1. E

    The crop is dying 7 weeks into flower. Harvest now or wait?

    yeah you are right I should let it keep going until something actually goes wrong with the buds. As it is, I'm just losing fan leaves left and right. Almost none left that aren't sorta yellow. fuck i hate these gnats. they came in with a majestic palm I was keeping in a different part of my...
  2. E

    The crop is dying 7 weeks into flower. Harvest now or wait?

    Thanks for the very detailed reply. So it sounds like things are just going to get worse. You are also saying that if I chop, this will continue to be a problem, right? Since I have a good amount of bud now and I just want to do damage control, should I just chop and maybe put the buds under a...
  3. E

    The crop is dying 7 weeks into flower. Harvest now or wait?

    I think that is probably what is happening. The question is just: Should I allow the crop to continue in it's decline so that the bud gets more mature, or chop it before necrosis spreads to the buds? Thanks for your advice.
  4. E

    The crop is dying 7 weeks into flower. Harvest now or wait?

    Hi, My grow was going very well until about the past month of flowering, when the plants started to decline. The initial symptom was the dying and curling up of the leaf tips. Then the fan leaves started yellowing out and getting these brown splotches all over them. The buds are the only part...
  5. E

    Slow Drying While Away from Home

    Thanks for the advice guys. Luckily my homeboy has offered to take the harvest home with him and do the drying/curing for me. So hopefully I won't need to do anything too crazy.
  6. E

    Slow Drying While Away from Home

    Hi All, I'm looking for advice on how to dry/cure my yield without actually being there. I have to leave for about a month just after my approximate harvest date, so I'm trying to figure out if there's some what I can leave them to dry while I'm gone. Here's what Im considering so far...