Slow Drying While Away from Home


Hi All,

I'm looking for advice on how to dry/cure my yield without actually being there. I have to leave for about a month just after my approximate harvest date, so I'm trying to figure out if there's some what I can leave them to dry while I'm gone.

Here's what Im considering so far:
-Just leave them hanging in a well ventilated room for a month. This seems like it could work since I have read you can slow dry for about 2 weeks, and this would just double that. I'm worried about rot though, with this strategy.
-Put the yield in with a bunch of rice, which would act as a natural desiccant, pulling water out as the yield dries. I'm concerned that this would either lead to rotting or over-drying, but it seems like it could work.
-Fast drying with the oven or something, then putting it in the rice.
-Freezing it?

I'm not sure what the best way to save the crop will be, but any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Put it in a dark closet with a humidifier at around 55%. A month is a really long time, especially right after harvest. Also, water the heck out of it 12 hours before harvest, so it will be as wet as possible when starting drying. Can't think of anything else right now.


Active Member
i agree with jkmovies, watering the hell out of it could work but i wouldnt risk letting it dry for a month.. just harvest early, u may sacrifice a little weight, but at least this will give u time to hopefully properly dry/cure your bud..


Thanks for the advice guys. Luckily my homeboy has offered to take the harvest home with him and do the drying/curing for me. So hopefully I won't need to do anything too crazy.


Active Member
I have a similar problem, but not quite as extreme. I have to leave for a week right after my harvest, and I am trying to quick dry and then let a friend take care of the curing process, just burping the jars for me. I live in Colorado and this time of year is REALLY dry, I probably have 20% humidity in the basement so it should dry quick. Harvest on the 17th, leave on the 23rd, does this sound possible?