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  1. krizmac

    Hydroponic NFT Setup - First Grow

    1/11/11 pH - 6.0 lights - 1000w Metal Halide / 400w Metal Halide ppm- unknown (meter in the mail) Bought 2-1000w Convertible Ballasts and Hoods, one for MH and one for HPS. Right now the 1000w has the MH bulb and is over the plants where the 400w used to be. Check the pictures below...
  2. krizmac

    Blogger and Adsense. Anybody making money off this?

    any link to where you got the original? edit - nevermind, i found it. here are some pictures for you. this looks pretty legit, i'm setting one up tonight. i will post if things start up, and we can all get in on this. would be great for the community in general. if you save the files you can...
  3. krizmac

    From seed tray to veg rockwool

    jd, i did the exact same thing with my 1.5 inch cubes when i put them into the 4in. cut the bottom out and then the cube in half, and put the 1.5in in that. i have noticed that the roots from the clones have simply grown straight down, and aren't really taking advantage of the entire 4in...
  4. krizmac

    Flush every week with h&g shooting powder?

    i was at the hydro store today, and a guy there said they he SWORE by those H&G packets. he said it was expensive, but it was totally worth it when it came to increased yields. even his wife said that they loved the product. haven't used it myself though, so i can't be 100% on that. ps - the...
  5. krizmac

    Hydroponic NFT Setup - First Grow

    Hey guys, i know it's been a few days, been rather hectic and i am trying to keep up with all of this madness! Here is a quick update of progress: pH - 6.1 TDS ppm - unknown (going by mix suggestions on Technaflora bottles until meter arrives in the mail) light - 400w Metal Halide 6 -...
  6. krizmac

    Hydroponic NFT Setup - First Grow

    1/6/11 I went to Petsmart last night and picked up some pH down from the aquarium isle. Did some reading that this brand was okay for plant life, so I went ahead and bought 2 bottles. I added half of a recommended dose, to ease my girls into their optimal pH range. After 3 hours, I added a...
  7. krizmac

    Hydroponic NFT Setup - First Grow

    1/4/11 pH - 6.2 seems to be dropping a bit on it's own over time. is this the nutrients leaving the mix, or the plants putting something back into it? plants all seem to be producing leaves at a steady rate, even under the floro's. it's nice to see new growth every time i walk into the room...
  8. krizmac

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    one of the best ways i have seen to keep a room cool while keeping your co2 inside, is to use cooltubes on your lights. this means that the ans aren't moving the c02 air in the grow room, only the heated ait in the lights. also, it is more cost-effective as you don't need as large of a fan...
  9. krizmac


    this is fantastic! i had seen someone try this years ago at a buddy's house, and it worked out just as he thought it would. there was no sort of "drift" in genetics, all the strains kept their respective traits when it came time to clone and grow again. best of luck to you Cannahwhatsis!
  10. krizmac

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    haha, never thought of it that way! i definitely wouldn't grow a toe out the side of my foot to make up for that loss! i think that i am going to let the males show themselves, then start to do some experimenting on them.
  11. krizmac

    your bagseed experiences...

    i guess that depends on how much you like the bag it came from? i know that the grow i am working on at the moment is bagseed, but i was pretty happy with the bag that started it all. if it was legal in the US, i would totally order some seeds and grow some amazing buds, and then have a mother...
  12. krizmac

    Hydroponic NFT Setup - First Grow

    1/3/2011 (doh! not 2010 anymore) pH level is still hovering at 6.3, so i don't think I am going to mess with it today. i still need to get an EC meter though, as I am just going by the label on the BC nutrients for the dosage. the girls look like they are enjoying the nutrients though, so all...
  13. krizmac

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    not to try and hijack the thread here, as you all seem to be doing a fantastic job of growing, but i had a quick question relating to the OP's first post. has anyone ever tried to "trim" a rootball in a hydro setup? not to the point of trying to bonsai a plant, but just to keep it managable...
  14. krizmac

    Hydroponic NFT Setup

    i did a lot of research before starting this and still couldn't find too many people actually growing in a setup like this. i'm curious as to if anyone has seen this before and could point me in the right direction for some journals or the like.
  15. krizmac

    Hydroponic NFT Setup

    Anyone here have this "gutter" style of NFT setup running? I'm using 4" PVC, and have seen plenty of people with vinyl gutters instead.
  16. krizmac

    new guy to the hydro scene

    thank ya thank ya! any suggestions are greatly appreciated man.
  17. krizmac

    new guy to the hydro scene

    Hey fellow tokers, kriz reporting in! I have been a long-time lurker on the forums, and finally made an account to document my first hydroponic grow. You can check out the link in my signature for a little more information on that. Just wanted to say hello, and I hope that you can check...
  18. krizmac

    Hydroponic NFT Setup - First Grow

    Hey hey, it's another newbie here to share in the wonder of hydroponics! Tired of having to actually pay for marijuana from the "corner" I've decided to try and save some money and grow my own. Damn this economy! Warning: This may end up being a wall of text, I have an hour to kill and ample...