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    Herb IQ update.

    Sorry, I'm running windows 10
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    Herb IQ update.

    I have used herb iq for several years and found it to be invaluable for keeepings notes and reminders. Recently windows did an automatic update and now herbiq wont run. I tried going back to previous settings but windows keeps loading the update. Any help would be appreciated.
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    I don't know about breeders packs or lowlife. I ordered 10 reg. seeds and the vile they came in just says White Russian and Serious on the label.
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    I have a question about auto flower. I think I got an auto flower by mistake. I don't know if it was one seed or the whole pack. The mother had pre flower all over it at all bud sites and that stage never stopped. I cloned her at 8 wks and moved her to my flower rm. The clones all took well but...
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    Auto flower White Russian?

    I'm not saying that it is an autoflower I'm asking.!
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    Auto flower White Russian?

    A few months ago I purchased some regular WR seeds from Serious. I germinated 5 and got 2 females. One showed sex way before the other and I chose her to make the mother. The strange thing is the preflower stage has never gone away. I have cloned the mother and then I flowered her. She is a big...
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    Are there any dispenseries that sell seeds in Washington? any experience with Vancover getting seeds?
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    vacuum packing?

    I need to pack about a half pound for an extended trip and glass jars is not an option. has anyone tried vacuum packing? I,m open to ideas. Thanks
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    How Many Plants?

    You need to go to the lighting forum about the lights. I can tell that you don't know the size of 1 gal or two gal grow bags. The best you can hope for is 4-6 and you really havn't any room too grow except up. You can easily get 7-9 oz on two plants if you know what your doing. Not with 40 watt...
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    Switching Plants from 16/8 to 12/12

    I have done it both ways. I can not tell a difference my plants flower in 10-11 days no matter what I do. Also if you are giving them only Grow Big, you are only giving nitrogen. Try using more of the Organic Big Bloom and less Grow Big. You'll be happy with the results. Happy Plants!
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    $25 for a bag of fox farm ocean forest is really isn't it?

    Its about 16-18 in Washington state. I think it is worth it but I also mix it with Sunshine mix and get excellent results. I'm not sure it Sunshine mix #1 or #4 is considered Organic.
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    Droopy ass ak47's....

    Possibly, If you could keep it a bit warmer it sure would'nt hurt. But Also remember AK47 is a sativa. I have one about two weeks into flower and she always looks droopy. Not the stems but the leaf blades themselves. As long as she is growing and has good color I think you will be fine.
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    Seedling lighting advice (White Widow & Blue Mystic)

    If you don't want to believe FFOF is too hot from some of us who have been growing for 30 years, then call Fox Farm and ask them. Thats what I did when I stressed my clones by putting them in FFOF.
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    Seedling lighting advice (White Widow & Blue Mystic)

    First FFOF is too strong for new seedlings. use a seed mix until roots are well established. FF makes a starter mix that they recommend. As to how long under the fluorescents . They will do fine for a couple of weeks. then will need more light and light penetration for the lower branches of the...
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    Question on Cloning? How many times

    I have a small Vegetation area and instead of maintaining mothers I have been cloning at 8 weeks and then flowering the donors. I am growing White Russian and have been doing this for about 15 months. I am noticing that my plants are getting smaller and bushier each time although my production...
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    How Close to Flowering Buds, HPS

    It looks like your doing fine. Try to keep the temp at the tops below 85 degrees. Also you might consider a Lite spreader. It will help cool directly under the bulb but also spreads the light more evenly.
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    Too soon to flower...

    When Growing from seed, and not intending to clone, How early can you begin to Flower?
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    White lightning

    Dude, people arn't being rude. there is just no simple answer. too many variables.
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    Screen of green help

    Thanks for the comments. Now if someone would explain super cropping. Thanks
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    Screen of green help

    I've been growing a basic screen type garden for about a year. My question is whether to prune below the screen or not? Does pruning force the plant to send more energy to the "buds" on top? thanks