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  1. ElfoodStampo

    Help with untopped plants.

    I'm curious what you mean by different.
  2. ElfoodStampo

    Should I harvest

    No not yet. Imho
  3. ElfoodStampo

    Whats it lacking? Proper ph,no bugs etc

    Yeah this is a mite breeding ground.
  4. ElfoodStampo

    1 month today, taking a break from her LEDs

    What do yoy mean by full spectrum? It's not predominantly red LEDs?
  5. ElfoodStampo

    Am i giving her too much light?

    Sure, it's was a joke.
  6. ElfoodStampo

    Am i giving her too much light?

    There is no such thing as too much light.
  7. ElfoodStampo

    Mychorhizal Fungi and Hydroguard

    I guess a better way to say it is they're a after the same food which doesn't include each other.
  8. ElfoodStampo

    Mychorhizal Fungi and Hydroguard

    That's not possible, the main group of good fungi actually live in the plants . The other set is free in the medium, Endo and ecto . Your beni's won't interact with either of those fungi. They all work together in soil for the plant in nature.
  9. ElfoodStampo

    Drip system manifolds?

    Honestly, I have no idea what's going on here, and I kinda like it. I say have a pump recirculating all the time in the reservoir and another pump for the manifold on a timer for application. I don't understand why you would need filters? What are you planning on filtering? And no shutoff...
  10. ElfoodStampo

    New leaves are curling need some advice

    For sure man. That's a good number to be at anyways. As you drop your ppm lower watch the pH swing and you'll get a gist of how often you need to feed/flush.
  11. ElfoodStampo

    Is this nutrient burn?

    Nute burn will show in new growth. Deficiency will normally creep up from lower in the plant. I don't think your over feeding it . Did u recently repot the plant? Damage to thee roots?
  12. ElfoodStampo

    Weird looking leafy buds. Normal or no? Advice please. Photos!

    What do your roots look like?
  13. ElfoodStampo

    New leaves are curling need some advice

    The leaves pointing up is normal when the lights come on. The roots can get discolored and it could be whats happening with the PPM you were running. Yeah hydroguard or some beneficial fungi is the next step. That will help so you don't have to stress over the water temp so much.
  14. ElfoodStampo

    New leaves are curling need some advice

    Yeah man, they need to be around 200 ppm. Do it immediately. 73 ok. Just emty the res and start fresh.
  15. ElfoodStampo

    New leaves are curling need some advice

    Was the pic taken shortly after you turned the lights on? That's could explain the upward reach. The roots don't look white, but it might just be the picture. Are they slightly discolored? Like a redish brown? Does the water smell like a fish tank at all?
  16. ElfoodStampo

    How Much For Craft Grows in Illinois

    Make sure you grow in soil to maximize the plants respiration rate. And you may want to look at plasma lighting instead of LED. Also adding some molasses during flower really boosts the yield so you could go from 1 lb per 5000ft2 to 2 lbs. per 5000ft2 pretty easily.
  17. ElfoodStampo

    New leaves are curling need some advice

    In the bottom right of this pic you can see she has some muted leaf sets. It's because of stress, but it will come out ok. Lay off the nutrient.
  18. ElfoodStampo

    New leaves are curling need some advice

    These girls are stressed. I cant find a single normal node in your pics. Can you take a picture of the roots? If I were you I would run @ 200 ppm of your nutes pH it to 5.8-6 and let it go for at least a week. Quit putting H2o2 in the res. Unless you have nasty roots, that's the only reason to...
  19. ElfoodStampo

    The United States is a Corporation

    Welcome to the party....
  20. ElfoodStampo

    The United States is a Corporation

    Oh, if that blows your mind check this out . Freedom to facism.