Help with untopped plants.


Active Member
this is my first indoor grow and i topped all my plants except for 2. I just wanted to see the difference in the yield and and growing. Now those 2 are tottaly different from everything else. What should i do. Just let them grow or is there any kind of training for them.
How far do you bend them? Just kind of like a horse shoe?
Not quite a horseshoe. Go about 3 nodes down from top, attach a plant tie there and bend it over until you get decent resistance. Then find an anchor point and tie the other end of the plant tie. Too much and you could snap your stem.
Thanks for the help. I got some really great trained plants, all spread out flat only about 5 inches tall but they are 18 to 20 inches across from tip to tip. The untopped ones look nice but they are so different they are making it hard to adjust my lights and space. Didn't know how to work them in. Ill say ill probably top all of them from now on.
Well the ones i topped i flattened them out and tied them down and they are 5 inches tall and 20 inches in diameter. The other 2 are about 18 inches tall like a Christmas tree and only 6 or so inches diameter. It makes it hard to have the lights at the right height for all of them together.