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  1. L

    Need Some Help Guys

    Alrighty i'll give a little info about the grow. Im using ffof soil in 2 gallon pots was using bat guano but switched to bio bizz grow im doing a scrog i have medi bud and bubble gum the plants look sick to me im also using co2 bags
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    The Scrog Club

    i want to do a 4x8 foot screen how many plants would you recomend
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    Scrog Grow with Purple Berry

    i have a few questons about scrog i want to do a 4x8 foot screen how many plants would be good for that i was thinking 18 but im really not sure how many to put every sqft any and all advice will be helpful
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    LEDs Anyone? Advise Please

    they are 3 watt led chip total watt consumption is 250 watts im running 10 plants useing 100% organic soil and nutes
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    LEDs Anyone? Advise Please

    its just at 4 weekes flowering yes its just the led light
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    LEDs Anyone? Advise Please

    here is my my andvanced led light so far i am very happy with it its a 250 watt light from advanced led lights .com they dont make this light any more then i have a 120 watt ufo in my veg room theese light are kinda exspensive but i also think you get what you pay for i just installed a mover a...
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    Led Users Unite!

    i just installed my new light mover here are some pics
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    Led Users Unite!

    i really like there lights going to jump up to the 360 here in a couple weeks just bought the 120 ufe for veg and omg do the plant love this light
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    Led Users Unite!

    yes i bought light from advanced led they dont make the 250 any more its last years model
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    First grow

    hey guy tell me what you think
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    Led Users Unite!

    theese ladies are just about 4 weeks into flower under a 250 watt led from advanced led lights im useing ffof soil and bat guano for my nutes tell what you guys think this is my very first grow
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    New 3 watt LEDs

    Im not planning on topping any of them atleast not this round
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    New 3 watt LEDs

    yeah they are about 32 days old from seed and im very pleased with the light i just ordered the 360 advanced has for flowering im thinking im going to take clones later next week do you think the are old enuff to take clones
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    New 3 watt LEDs

    Here is a pic of my babies got the light at advanced led lights
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    First grow with led light

    yeah sorry it took me so long to get back to this just had a few set backs but im here and will keep everything updated
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    First grow with led light

    tell me what you guys think i think they look pretty damn good for not knowing what im doing
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    First grow

    hello this is my first grow i am useing 3 gallon pots 250 fifty watt led light from advanced led light thees girls are 4 weeks from seed strains are 5 ice 3 white widow 2 crystal 1 auto
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    LED Lights Anybody? What Brand? is where I got mine very pleased I bought the 240 watt with 3 watt led full spectrum
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    Led Users Unite!

    I bought my led light from I have a 240 watt full spectrum with 3 watt led and I'm very pleased with it so far
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    First grow with led light

    The light is from advanced led lights says it has a 4x4 core coverage and I plan on rotating plants