New 3 watt LEDs


Well-Known Member
Oh that's all one plant, topped it back in veg, would have 4 colas there if one of my cats hadn't pulled it down 2 weeks into flowering, I was able to save it, albeit it never really recovered and is still just a small branch off to the side with a smaller though thick little cola. Damned cats, they've got access to the backyard where they got plenty of grass and they get plenty of organic nip, still got to get into Daddy's weed whenever they get a chance.
That is only one plant?!? o_O

HOT shit I am going to get two spectra 450s ASAP
Damn thats gonna be a lot of power! How much space are they going to get?


Well-Known Member
That is only one plant?!? o_O

Yeah, only one plant, here's another pic with my hand for sense of scale Keep in mind too, I didn't put the Spectra 150 on it until Day 49, previous to that it was a 126 watt Penetrator-great for veg but really not a flower light. I've already spent & wasted a lot of money on LED's, these lights from growledhydro with the higher wattage LED's are the only one's I've seen do a good job with flowering, and they really do. I've got two 180's 2011 Models on the way, and plan to add 1 or two more for a 36"x36"scrog, I'm thinking 4 with a total of 720 watts might be overkill, 3 @ total of 540 watts sounds more reasonable.



Well-Known Member
Way less power usage than what Im using now. It would fill my 8x4 footprint perfectly
You might want to think about throwing in a a couple 180's with them, they're really compact units with only 3 fans, weight about 6lbs each, easy to maneuver and move around within the tent as they are hung by a single line, I've got a retractable line hanger that works really well. You could use the 450's as your primaries and use a couple 180's or hell four or six of em if you're crazy enough, but you could arrange those so that they hit the plants at different angles for better bud development.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of my babies got the light at advanced led lights
Those are very nice, 2-3 weeks into veg? I'm thinking about super-cropping my next round, those look like they might be at just about the right time for that. Advanced led lights makes a good product too, I've seen some sample grows done with them and was impressed. Mike's product over at growledhydro seems identical spec-wise and are somewhat less expensive, he's also a really nice guy to work with so I made my choice. But really interested in seeing some more grows under advanced leds.


yeah they are about 32 days old from seed and im very pleased with the light i just ordered the 360 advanced has for flowering im thinking im going to take clones later next week do you think the are old enuff to take clones


Well-Known Member
4 weeks, yeah, you can take clones, you could also top them, you planning on that? I've also found under LED it's better to vegg for 6 weeks at least-just my observation.


Well-Known Member
Kinda Odd, bottom branches ripening before the 4 main colas on the plant. I give total credit for the size of those 3 colas to the 150 watt Spectra I put on them on day 49 of flower. Very fruity smelling buds.



Well-Known Member
Kinda Odd, bottom branches ripening before the 4 main colas on the plant. I give total credit for the size of those 3 colas to the 150 watt Spectra I put on them on day 49 of flower. Very fruity smelling buds.
A 150 spectra? How long ago did you order that because I don't remember ever reading about it!


Well-Known Member
I bought it in January, that was the originial upgrade on the 2010 120, received my light on Jan 31, then got word a week or so ago, he's changed the model again to the 180, so I placed another order for one and Mike kindly offered to upgrade the 150 to the 180 which I took him up on. So, got two 180's on the way soon.


Well-Known Member
I bought it in January, that was the originial upgrade on the 2010 120, received my light on Jan 31, then got word a week or so ago, he's changed the model again to the 180, so I placed another order for one and Mike kindly offered to upgrade the 150 to the 180 which I took him up on. So, got two 180's on the way soon.
Awesome. I would have gotten two 240w units but my tent was too small so I got a 395w 2011 instead


Well-Known Member
snipped a few small branches from various spots midway down on the larger of the two plants. The top colas are extremely thick and leaning now. It's been getting ph'd 6.6 clear distilled water for the past 3 weeks except I added a dose of FF Cha-ching about a week and a half ago-turned out to be the right thing at the right time, they really popped after that.



Well-Known Member
How well do the Spectras perform on the outer areas? My grows are 5'x7' and I wonder would two 500s with a coverage of 4.5x4.5' but only a core saturation of 3'x2.5' work as well? As well as two 1kW HPS?


Well-Known Member
How well do the Spectras perform on the outer areas? My grows are 5'x7' and I wonder would two 500s with a coverage of 4.5x4.5' but only a core saturation of 3'x2.5' work as well? As well as two 1kW HPS?
I think its best to go more smaller watt units than two 500s. Instead of two 500s you could get 6 180ws for the same price! Way better distribution of light and you get a little bit more power 1080w vs 1000. Each light would get 5.83sq ft which is about a 2.4ft x 2.4ft space, and thats just for the LEDs not even counting if you squeeze 2 1000w HPS lights in there!

PS: Or you could get 4 290w units for a total of 1160w Each of those you can hope to perform probably about as well as a 400w HPS
PSS: the big watt Spectras like the 500s I think are best for people who have grow tent under 4x4. Such as me with only a 2.5x2.5 tent so I got a 395w 2011 Spectra (instead of two 240s)


I still don't get it. The Spectra lights tested worse than the HGL lights on 420 Magazine, and yet you're spewing out money for Spectra lights? What makes it worse for me, is that you already tested the HGL lights and found out they were far superior to Growl (not to mention ProSource, HIDHut, GLH, and others which has already been proven by other growers like you). So why is it you didn't continue on with your HGL testing as you stated you would in your other thread "Whatever light wins will be your bloom light"? What's funnier to me is that HGL came out with the 3W single-chip last year, and now GLH has copied them again (first it was the 60 degree lens that they switched to 90 after lawsuit threats), acting like it was their own idea... I mean why not buy a HGL 3W model when their light already proved superior in your other grow? Even worse for me is that based on his power draw numbers you posted, it seems Mike also copied the exact mA rating HGL is running their 3W LED's at! 1.53W per LED! Seems that's about all Mike is capable of, is copying other people with better ideas (like the Spectra name and Spectrum from Dutch Green over in Europe) I mean why not just buy from Dutch Green who actually developed the light in the first place? Why give money to the guy who ripped them off instead? How is it so many people buy into his con anyways? Just doesn't make sense when his lights don't perform as well as others, for you to drop so much cash on em (at least not in my head). Especially when you already know HGL's lights are superior (from your own side by side testing with their 1W light). I don't honestly see why you even tried something else after seeing those results with the HGL light against the Doberman from Growl LED.

Better yet since you have so much money to burn, why not appease all of us and do a side by side grow off between the Spectra panel and a new 126W PRO from HGL? They're about equal wattage after all, and we all know GLH is nothing more than a "throw it all at the wall and hope something sticks" company. I'd rather see a side by side than another weak-ass grow with GLH lights, where people rave about achieving .75 grams per watt and seem to think they're gods for achieving it (like Irish Boy). A gram per watt should be bare minimum with LED, otherwise what's the point in switching from HID? Just to spend an assload more on lights to get worse or same yields? Seriously though, let's see a side by side as that's what you originally set out to do, yet stopped mid-way for all of us following. I'll admit, I was very disappointed to see the side by side end. After all, growers like me on the boards often want to know we're getting the best product, and that's what you originally sought out to show. Grows like this prove nothing, they simply build up more ridiculous hype over mediocre yields and a guy who's conning the industry. I feel sorry for Dutch Green that they have no recourse as an international company for Mike's actions. It's despicable to copy someone else's product for your own profits.


Well-Known Member
Whoa! As I explained in the Growl vs HGL comparison I had to end that because of the toxicity of the grow tent I was using killed the entire grow shortly after flowering began. I only found the HGL superior for vegging which is why I'll be repurposing it as a mothering light-I used it on another unpublished grow and found it disappointing for flowering. Even in this grow, the HGL was over the main 3 colas until day 49 when I hung Mike's light over it with the 2watt leds 4-6 days later it really began bulking up-I give total credit for that. As for your comments for how wealthy I am, well whatever-suffice it to say I worked my ass off for what I've got. As for Mike, well he's been a pleasure to deal with aside from a little slow delivery on the product.
Which brings me to thinking about your entire post, way too emotional just to be another grower on here. People don't get that emotional unless they've got a vested interest which leads me to believe JSpliff is just another alias for Cammie - the owner of HGL.


I was just on the LED USERS UNITE thread and Kessil is actually telling their customers not to run the lights when the lamps burn out due to the possibility of fire.I'm just wondering if that is an industry practice to be on the safe side. What would you do Cammie?