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  1. D

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Help.... I can't see the pictures...
  2. D

    The Future; Induction Lighting?

    First off, even the small, 50W screw in induction lights have a ballast that can be replaced. But, my experience with one brand of the 50W 120V induction lights is that they have an approx. 40% failure rate. Still lots of bugs in that particular brand of small lights. The 50W 240V lights from...
  3. D

    light help and info please

    LED's work but there are a lot out there that don't. You need to make sure that you get the highest wattage you can, our local Hydro shop recommends that you make sure to get 3W leds. Others don't penetrate. Another option is induction lights. Longer life span than all others, much less heat...
  4. D

    Induction Lighting?

    Yep, your right, they would both use about the same power, the HID will waste a lot of it in heat as I'm sure you know.
  5. D

    Induction Lighting?

    Induction lights run at a much cooler temperature than HID's and don't need a cooling fan like LED's. You can touch the tubes and they are hot, but you don't leave any skin and you don't get burnt. According to a couple of High Times articles, "induction lights are the future". In one of them is...
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    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    I'm very sorry to hear that, keep us posted.
  7. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Don't worry yet, CG stated a few days ago he was going to take a few days off from posting on here, needed a break with the mites and all I guess.
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    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    I'm using 3/4 hose and fitting with a screen over the outlet inside the bucket, I've had no prolems with root clog. Have I just been lucky or do the screens work?
  9. D

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    If you can tell me where I can document what you said about NASA leaning towards inductive lighting for their gardens I'll send you a 50 W inductive light for free or sell you either a 150-400 watt inductive light for cost.
  10. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    My dear lady. You are sooooo right.
  11. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Some people use the term "plasma" for induction lights. I believe the term is too broad and applies to flouresents also. The main difference in the two types being one has some sort of internal filimants to charge the "plasma" and with the other it is done with no internal penetration of the...
  12. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    He just asked, either someone will help him or not. No need to jump all over him.
  13. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    You don't have to feel bad about the guy who rushed you the lights. I understand he is a truly wonderful and patient person. Of course that would of sounded better if he hadn't just wrote that about himself.... I do know they work, but who's gonna believe me, I'm trying to sell the suckers. Web...
  14. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Are you planning on connecting the buckets in line? If so that is a royal pain when you want to move buckets around. I ran all buckets to a central manifold. That allows you to move, add or remove buckets individually and not have to worry about the others. I just used pvc with a series of...
  15. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    High Times had an article about a similar system last fall, can't remember exactly when. Buckets connected to a small res. with a float valve that was connected to a large res. that was regulated by the float valve in the small res. A swamp cooler float valve worked for me. My copy of the system...
  16. D

    which lights to use LED or HPS

    Are there three corners? What about inductive lights?
  17. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    A simply explaination. When electricty goes through a wire it creates a magnetic field around the wire. If you place another wire close to the first one it will pick up the magnetic field and transfer some of the electricity to it. This is how transformers work. Rather than running a filiment...
  18. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    I don't have any figures, I can hold my hand against the light case and 1/4 in away from the glass covering the lights, approximatly 2 inch's from the tubes without having to move them. All lights but the 50 watt unit are fully enclosed and water proof. I can hold my back of my hand 1/4 inch...
  19. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    I'm learning as well as the rest of you, maybe one step ahead of you. I do have a slight background in electronics furnished by the Navy and that knowledge is what helped the inductive lights catch my attention, that and knowing LED's aren't the greatest and cost a lot, HID's work great but the...
  20. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    An inductive light equivilant to a 1600 watt HID would be in the neighborhood of 750$, plus shipping. The equivilant of a 600 watt HID would be around 375$ plus shipping. The largest one I have has a shipping weight of 45 pounds. I agree on the veg thought. I have seen plants veg well under...