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  1. MoneyBags

    Complete Noob first grow

    If he's on this site and doesn't even know what soil less means yet still tries to give advice you know he's dumber than a 10 pound sack of tard shit. Noobs you've been warned...
  2. MoneyBags

    April or May?

    Just enough supplemental to keep em from budding. So in a 10x10 greenhouse or enclosure you could get away with a single 4' 4 bulb t5 hangin high set to come on say 30 minutes before dark for enough hours afterwards to keep the lighting at a happy 16 hours of light a day. Remember that they...
  3. MoneyBags

    I have a drug test for a job soon...can you help me with some questions?

    Drink a lot of liquor.. I just passed after a 4 day cleaning :)
  4. MoneyBags

    Pa Growers

    i fucked my post all up haha ok heres how preflowering outdoor goes start seeds put em out in pots in all day sun especially morning sun june 21 is summer solstice move the plants to an evening sun facing spot harvest by late august early september with a WW it took me 3 months to figure out...
  5. MoneyBags

    getaway mountain winter bean crop

    Holy smoke!!!!
  6. MoneyBags

    Pa Growers

    this season im going for 2 things.. Quality and Quantity.. In that order. the spot: its 5-600 square yard field its a kidney shaped field with a 6' deep stream around one side a bitch of a ridge on another and thickets and pines on the other with only one way in. after hunting season im gonna...