So I decided that I wanted to get a second job so that I would be able to save more money and be a little busier with my time. I'm 5'0'', I weigh 115 lbs, and I usually smoke 5-10 bowls of C-grade bud a day (sometimes shake- ewww). So I can confidently say that the stuff that I smoke isn't very potent, but that's why I usually smoke a lot of it to get high when I get home from work. I also ride my bike a total of 92 miles a week to and from work. I just got hired to work as a cashier at a local hardware store on the weekends and they're making me take a drug test. I plan on taking it in 10 days, and stopped smoking cold turkey 16 hours from writing this post. I plan on detoxing myself with exercise as much as I can- and I don't think that this would be too bad for me because I have an extremely fast metabolism. My plan B is to have a friend piss in the car in a jar for me right before I have take the drug test and I'll use that piss, but I would rather use my own piss. Do you think with the information that I've given that I could be able to pass a drug test if I keep riding my bike 20 miles a day and keep working out/exercising (usually 3 sets of 100 push ups a day, some pull ups too)? Any input helps. Thank you very much.