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  1. =ian=

    Well water

    I took this from the GH website, I am just using their products as an example. If you can test for Calcium (some well water is very calcium rich, look at your pipes) then I would advise to do so. Do you have a Hardwater system in your home already, for the drinking water? If so, use a...
  2. =ian=

    Help me guess my sex through text

    yessir, white hairs are a female! congrats!
  3. =ian=

    HELP!! plant looks wrong all of a sudden!!!

    sounds like you are on your way to understanding what your girls need hindy. it's a learning experience, and with bigger pots and a bit less watering (both ideas you have down already) it should be a fantastic grow next time around, and a substantial yield this time for you. happy growing!
  4. =ian=

    Made a big time mistake, please help.

    be careful taking pictures with your phone if this sort of activity is frowned upon in your area. i know the newer smartphones will actually save location data in the photo itself, even if you upload it here. turn all your wireless/data off, and the option to save your location as well...
  5. =ian=

    Made a big time mistake, please help.

    if it was just the one leaf, then as stated above me there it is just fine to lose that one. hell, i prune my plants sometimes and thats more than 1 leaf gone. as far as the entire plant drooping, a picture would be helpful there. i cant imagine that would be from just removing one leaf, it's...
  6. =ian=

    Need Help. All plants showing same signs...

    sounds like you are on the right track then brother! i had a similar issue in my hydro just the other week, and more nutes was all i had to throw at my girls to make them happy again. in the flower stage especially, they can use something up to 1400, as you mention there. the numbers on your...
  7. =ian=

    starter help?

    in my experience, from the time i see a 1/4" root and place it in rockwool, to the time i see a seedling poking through, is really just a few days. if it is taking longer than a week, i would say try again. sorry for your loss, and good luck in the future!
  8. =ian=

    Help ... 1 week till harvest and i have seeds!! What should i do!!

    the damage is pretty much already done. if it were me, i would let them finish out another week, there is going to be seeds in the bud when it dries regardless of when you chop it now.
  9. =ian=

    i dont wana trim but think i should check out pics and give me feedback

    does it feel to you like the light is penetrating to the lower budsites? if it looks like the majority of your buds are overshadowed to the point of being starved for light i would trim a few leaves back. just a couple mind you, to le the light downwards.
  10. =ian=

    YES! I have roots..

    they look fantastic Germ! congratulations brother!
  11. =ian=

    HELP! Plants dying due to light/nute change

    girls require a higher nutrient level when going into flowering as well. what did you change in respect to what you feed them when you switched to 12/12? i know you said bloom nutes, but is it high enough? what ppm do you run in veg/flower? just a bit more info and i can make an educated guess =p
  12. =ian=

    starter help?

    once the seeds crack, wait a little while longer for the first root to start to pop out. i wait until the root is about 1/4" long, then i put the seedling into some rockwool in the cloner.
  13. =ian=

    All around yellow plants, tried everything

    that's what i'm thinking now. i can't believe i didn't see it at first. just trying too many things all at once i guess.
  14. =ian=

    Heellp!! 1 week till harvest and i have seeds !! What should i do?

    how many seeds are there? is it just the bottom of the plant? if so, just trim the rest and the bottom is now personal smoke. any way you can take a picture?
  15. =ian=

    Need Help. All plants showing same signs...

    I have found that a diluted MagiCal (Technaflora) mixture in a foliar spray works rather well if there is an extreme deficiency. 1/8 Strength in the spray bottle (don't want to burn them) and 75% strength mix in the reservoir. For me, this is about 8mL per gallon of water, so you may want to...
  16. =ian=

    All around yellow plants, tried everything

    so i 'nuted the girls back up to almost 1000, and things actually seem to look better all around. go figure.
  17. =ian=

    All around yellow plants, tried everything

    i think i lost 45 plants =p
  18. =ian=

    All around yellow plants, tried everything

    no real change since this morning, although i guess that is almost a good thing. the reservoir is now at 400ppm and 6.1 pH. i sprayed a bit of MagiCal in some foliar (very diluted) right before the girls went to sleep. hope tomorrow brings a change for the better.
  19. =ian=

    All around yellow plants, tried everything

    they are getting 800 ppm straight out of the cloner, which is running anywhere from 250-300 (that's mainly the Clonex and the CleaRez doing that). I have been trying to recall when they turn yellow, and i want to say it is when i am flushing for 2 days. the roots are hanging at least 5-6...
  20. =ian=

    All around yellow plants, tried everything

    Hey guys, its your friendly neighborhood forum lurker here. Been watching for a while now, and finally decided to post this. I'm having some issues with my vegetative side of things. Straight out of the cloner after 2-3 weeks, these girls all turn yellow and just stop growing. I can't seem to...