Heellp!! 1 week till harvest and i have seeds !! What should i do?


just finish growing it and pick the seeds out while u smoke, its gonna be a waste to chop it down. at least u gonna have something to smoke on. that is about all u can do!!!!!!!!!!11


Well-Known Member
how many seeds are there? is it just the bottom of the plant? if so, just trim the rest and the bottom is now personal smoke. any way you can take a picture?

Kali Soul

Active Member
I have 9 plants and all of them have seeds , i jus found out a minute ago.

should i chop soon??? cuz i dont want it to get worse


Well-Known Member
At this time there is not much you can do:lol:I've just had seeds on the bottom of my plants~the top don't have'em:clap:I think it was a light leak or maybe low ph issues cuz by ffof:finger:What to do now is toss it out or clean the seeds out and smoke it:oDUH~WTF you going to do:lol:


best thing to do is get a final flush and cut them down they will make more each day and a few seeds isnt as bad as cracken a nug open and it sounding like you broke a gumball machine


Active Member
also , unmatered seeds are hardier to spot than mature / hard/ brown ones the worst scenario is to have just formed seeds that u cant discard rather seeds u can easily spot and feel


Active Member
specific strain or just bag seed? had this happen to me as well i just figured fuck it and left the seeds mature....saved them all although they are just random leaning on the sativa side bagseed but hell i swear i get 90% females with them :S just done with these seeds now cuz this strain seriously takin 11-12 weeks to finish , pissin me off lol

that was last grow :P , i used the seeds i grew for my current grow now , 10x 12/12 from seed , kept the nicest 6 females .....they were ALL female cept 1 looked like a hermie (bananas and hairs) , but yaaa. idk guess tryin to give u some optimism :P point being i think i made fem seeds haha we shall see i have 10 more of them back the bush to check up on and see what sex they turned out to be.

/stoned rambling

kbo ca

Active Member
let em get ripe! When you do harvest, separate the seeds (keep em) then make some hash with your herbs. Or you can bake with the flowers also. Either way you will earn a better payday than you would if you try to push seeded buds. Respect

Kali Soul

Active Member
At this time there is not much you can do:lol:I've just had seeds on the bottom of my plants~the top don't have'em:clap:I think it was a light leak or maybe low ph issues cuz by ffof:finger:What to do now is toss it out or clean the seeds out and smoke it:oDUH~WTF you going to do:lol:
FFOF ?? Thats the soil im growing in... is that the issue?? And probly a light leak also cuz my door was open one day. Im jus gonna start flushing in acouple of days cuz i dont want these seeds to get any worser