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  1. S

    Problem- 27 Days into Flowering- Buds hair turning brown?

    did you end up figuring out what it was, mine are doing the same thing, bubba kush 20days into flower and the pistols are turning brown, mostly to the tops, and did it end up turning out fine?
  2. S

    Ribbed leaves, slow growth, werid coloration.

    so have you fingered it out yet? are they looking better? i only ask because im 3days away from flower on 50 bubba kush that are doing VERY well up till my leaves started changing the same way as this, but only on small new growth all old growth is nioce and strong!! so let me know if you have...
  3. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    hahaha sorry been nursing them back to normal, there still dropping right before light goes out and while its off?!?! but meh it is what it is, i since added a co2 burner to the room... BUTTTT heres the downfall i took a mesurement of my power usage and im off the charts running the 1000w and...
  4. S

    how many kwh do you use

    hahaha im running 3 1000w inline in and out takes blowers and what not im pushing 5500w a month uh oh
  5. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    YESSIR. and thats about right, i actually have 25 more that are coming tonight that were at a friends clone garden for a couple weeks in pots already so there pretty much the same size, so there will be 80 in there, and theres more room than it looks in the pictures
  6. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    hahah yah thats what i was thinking when you first said it hahaha... and wow those are monster plants to yield a Qp of each plant, wow and i thought getting a OZ a plant was fairly good? but yet again your doing it with seedlings right?
  7. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    and this is the first time using the stadium lighting, ho tall should i let these guys get before flowering? like there really bushy, im aiming for a oz a plant on thee guys
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    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    k when i water tonight im going to give a good one so i have a little flow come out enough to take a good reading
  9. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    yah i was going to do that some time this week as for niow ther okay, but what do you make out of those leaves??? and no i didnt bubbkle to much like a few bubbles came out of there, the pots are fairly light, they will get a drink when lights go off tonight
  10. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    yah there going to get a drink when lihghts go out in a hour or so, but what ytou make out of those leaves? and no that little one didnt buuble to much, and yes the pots are fairly dry but not overlly dry out, so theyll get there little drink tonight
  11. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    see some of them are doing okay, but some are still a bit wilty... and the leaves that are damaged are almost like they been eaten at the edges but honestly i cant find a gnat or anything that would eat leaves in my room at all, (advangtage of sealed room) and they go major wilty right before...
  12. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    i did it to one of the littler guys cause i to was sceptical but it looks fine, hahahah prb wont need water for a week but its fine lol, my plants seem to be doing the massive wilt p[hase everydasy right before lights go out! and now some of the top l;eaves are a little wrinkled looking and...
  13. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    and yes i know they have a decent dose of N in them, but im starting to believe i have a phospherus problem, either tio much or to little, cause stems are turning dark purple reddish colour, and leaves are dark green and thin on some of them
  14. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    i watered them 2days ago so they were pretty light today and they started wilting again, so i gave them a little drink and nothing has improved so far so i dont know, it seem they get REALLY droopy before the lights go out, or around that time, like earlier today they were looking FANTASTIC all...
  15. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    yeah ive read it, thought of those thiongs but you can make them at home for so much cheaper than 15 pucks for 50 bucks here check it out Mix 3/4 Cup Citric Acid and 2 Cups Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda). Add Eucalyptus oil (lol just like the commercial ones!!) ***NOT NEEDED*** . While...
  16. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    ive never used it before i just normally do the same and set the intake to pump freshair in eveyhour or so for a good half hour, so whats the deal with co2? does it really help your harvest by 20 to 30%??
  17. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    and does anyone on here use co2? whats some methopds of producing it for a room this size?
  18. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    should i do it when lighst go off? or does it matter? what time do you do it at?
  19. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    yah ill try it to one ofthem and see how it goes, so slowly dunk them unbder water untill the water is 1inch above the soil linbe and take out an let drain then back on the shelf?
  20. S

    sick plants, PLEASE HELP

    so does anyone know anything about bottled co2? would a 35pnd bottle keep my room full ofd enriched co2? i just like the idea cause 1. NO HEAT 2. I DONT LIKE THE IDEA OF PROPANE BUNING IN THERE 3. those damn co2 burner setups are a handfull and a half for the basics looking at 1200 bucks just to...