Ribbed leaves, slow growth, werid coloration.


Well-Known Member
I think the proper term is margins, but I could be wrong. Wither way they are real bumpy, and not growing as fast as they were. Could it be root lock? It has been in a small pot for a while. Also, the inside of the blades are darker green than the edges.



I think the proper term is margins, but I could be wrong. Wither way they are real bumpy, and not growing as fast as they were. Could it be root lock? It has been in a small pot for a while. Also, the inside of the blades are darker green than the edges.

Looks to me like the start of a Mag deficiency. I don't see any noticeable curling to indicate nute burn. The tips are a little crispy but that almost looks like a little heat stress. How big is the pot that they are in? If its in anything less than a 3 gallon pot than you need to transplant (5 gallon is ideal). Root binding can cause all sorts of crazy shit to pop up.
I'd flush well, (depending on whether or not your soil is pre-nuted) hit them with 1/4 strength nutes, and also some Cal-Mag, or a 1/2 tsp of Epsom salt/gallon (for Mag). See how she responds to that.


Active Member
This kinda looks like my grape ape plant. It has some pretty rugged leaves like this plant. Have you started giving this plant any nutes yet? maybe go partial strength and see how it does.


I think the proper term is margins, but I could be wrong. Wither way they are real bumpy, and not growing as fast as they were. Could it be root lock? It has been in a small pot for a while. Also, the inside of the blades are darker green than the edges.

so have you fingered it out yet? are they looking better? i only ask because im 3days away from flower on 50 bubba kush that are doing VERY well up till my leaves started changing the same way as this, but only on small new growth all old growth is nioce and strong!!
so let me know if you have any solutions yet please