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  1. mikegrowstrong

    Lost In A Sea Of Nutrients? Advanced Nutrients, Canna etc.

    I use Hesi. It's hands off, real simple to follow and it works. Ive only used it in hydro though, so im not real sure about soil or coco growing. You just have to convert the schedule to US measurements, which isn't really hard. I redid one of the schedule is adobe illustrator if anybody...
  2. mikegrowstrong

    not sure if its hermie?

    Just even the aura of a male being around seems to be enough these days with the complexity of some of these strains. I would separate it from the group, let it grow until its ready to harvest and pass it off for dirt cheap. If you started with a fem seed then the seeds you will get from this...
  3. mikegrowstrong

    Warehouse lighting questions

    I would check with cooper lighting and see if its possible. Looking at the pic, it seems that the ballast will support a 400W bulb, but double checking doesn't hurt. For most of your regular growing the lamp should be placed sideways but you have to make sure the bulbs that you get are...
  4. mikegrowstrong

    Hermaphrodite, or? Advice please +rep

    The smoking should still be pretty good though, sorry about the hermi man, that sucks. I feel your pain
  5. mikegrowstrong

    Hermaphrodite, or? Advice please +rep

    If you got pollen over the main cola, flush that bitch and harvest it quick! Once its dry, I wouldn't even chance the seeds.
  6. mikegrowstrong

    Autoflower not autolflowering...Help noob pls +rep for advice

    If you don't have a sex by 35 days with an auto flower lowryder, something is deff wrong. I wouldn't have pruned the big fans all the way back though. I would keep them 18/6 until day 35, after that go 12/12. Check you PH's, general signs of stress, that kind of stuff. Hope you get something...
  7. mikegrowstrong

    How much light for rooting clones?

    Do you mean you took clones? If you topped a plant the plant you topped should already be well rooted?? It looks like you took clones, and if thats the case, keep the light at about 8 inches or so, just outside of the light burn range. General rule of thumb with clones is 80 degrees, 90 to100...
  8. mikegrowstrong

    PH problem (must be doing something wrong)

    Did you use the sywire method for converting soil to hydro? If so, there shouldn't be any soil in your system. I would double check your PH test method. It takes me less than a table spoon of PH down from general hydro to get ten gallons to about 6.0 from 7.5 I have to monitor the PH in my...
  9. mikegrowstrong

    Flowering and FF ?

    Wow, nice grow! How tall and old are they? They look short in the pics but really bushy. Unfortunately iv'e never dealt with FF so I dont have much to add to the convo about that, but just curios about your grow. Mine are only two weeks old but are no were near as bushy as that. Grow Strong
  10. mikegrowstrong

    New Grow White Skunk DWC hybrid system grow w/ Hesi Nutes and 400W MH/HPS

    Follow the grow here:
  11. mikegrowstrong

    New Grow White Skunk DWC hybrid system grow w/ Hesi Nutes and 400W MH/HPS

    Alrighty here we go, 35 Gallon Tub with 10.54 useful gallons of Hesi Nutrient. Top Drip system with microsprayers, 36 feet of airline hose wrapped in the bottom. It's going to be a SCROG grow. Lighting is 400W MH switchable to 400W HPS. The grow is White Skunk fems courtesy of White Label...
  12. mikegrowstrong


    The pic above is a perfect example of a hermi. Without seeing pics it's like trying to fix a car over the phone, but it sounds like that bump is the start of a pistol node. Keep your eye on her and if you can, try to get some pics - even if its with a cell pone. Grow Strong
  13. mikegrowstrong

    Here they are, the White Skunks

    There already at 16 inches and 79F at top, their getting what their what getting, my posting maybe be stranger, but trust me on this one, their to young to get them real close. In one week, they will be stand up rockstars and I get them closer. They just went into the Hesi bath, they will be...
  14. mikegrowstrong

    Here they are, the White Skunks

    She is week, not due to the closeness of the light. The others are doing very well, just a week seedling. She will come up, she just needs some help. Almost like the runt of the litre.
  15. mikegrowstrong

    Here they are, the White Skunks

    BT Dubs, beacuse im a dumbass, follow here...
  16. mikegrowstrong

    Here they are, the White Skunks

    In case any are wondering "why the series of forks?" "Why the floss", One of the girls decided she didn't like the light so much. So I backed the light off and now we need to support her. She will get back up and be healthy!!! More pics coming!!! Grow Strong
  17. mikegrowstrong

    Here they are, the White Skunks

    I started a thread in the wrong spot, so i'll start a new one. White skunk courtesy of single seed center (fems) 400W MH and HPS digital switchable balast DWC home built courtesy of the ideas of many Environmental controlled to the degree grow "closet" courtesy of me Nutes, Thank you Hesi...
  18. mikegrowstrong

    Is this a hermie? Pics included.

    Im leaning towards female. The bumps don't exactly have that classic dangling football shape. I'de keep an eye on her and keep looking around at all the points were the branch meet the stem. But overall, id'e say female.
  19. mikegrowstrong

    How do i add nutes and when should i add them?

    More info would be helpful, but a good starting place is to look for the nutrient schedule. This is usually published by the people who made your nutrients. I.E. Fox farm has it one their website, Hesi can be found just by google.
  20. mikegrowstrong

    how many times can i flush in 1 week? And do i have to ph the water?

    Always Ph your water no matter what. I would invest in some florakleen to. It breaks the nutrient bond off the roots for a better flush. But yes, flush often. About three times what the growing pot can normally hold every time you flush. I.E. 5 Gallon pot, 15 gallons of water for flush.