How do i add nutes and when should i add them?


Well-Known Member
sorry if this a dumb question but i was just wondering how should i add my nutes..with a spray bottle or what?.. and how much should i feed them? let me know this my first grow RIU


Well-Known Member
How about telling us what kind of nutes you're using, what size your plants are, what medium you're growing in, indoors/outdoors etc....?
More info would be helpful, but a good starting place is to look for the nutrient schedule. This is usually published by the people who made your nutrients. I.E. Fox farm has it one their website, Hesi can be found just by google.


Well-Known Member
mybad but im growing indoors and im at the seedling stage i dont want to start feeding them nutes untill a month later....but when its time to start giving them nutes like how do i apply it.. i kno i dilute it with water but but do i put it in a spray bottle and spray over the plant or do it apply it to the soil...


New Member
First off let your baby grow for at least 3 weeks before adding nuts ! next off you can use half strength the first time spraying on leaves an soil... next watering use full strength spraying on leaves an soil.