Hey I was wondering if you could answer a few of my questions about dispensarys. I would like to know if you sell them some product on consignment & they are taking to long to sell can you take back your bud? Also have you heard of any dispensers taking 8lbs from a grower all off of consignment?
Hey I would appreciate a chance to talk to you. I have a lot of questions about dispensarys. I got a business partner in oaksterdam univ. I think hes not giving me direct answers since I am new to this aspect. Please give me a tell when ever your free
What if you want your bud back that they have on consignment. Can you go back to the dispensary & request your product back if the dispensary is taking to long to sell it?
How do these dispensarys pay you. Ive heard where they take a couple of lbs from you & you have to wait until they sell it off then they pay you. Can anyone tell me the methods of payment dispensers go by.
Hey my boy goes to oaksterdam,we are from ny. I'm still in NY while my boy is in cali trying to be a grower. He sold 8 lbs to a dispensary but he said they never paid him! He said he has to wait until they sell it, then they pay him. Is this true? See I gave him the start up money & he said he...
I'm new, but quick question how long does it take a dispensary to pay you. My boy that moved to cali told me he sold 8lbs of white widow to a dispensary. I'm concerned because I lent him money & he claims that the dispensary won't pay him until they sell all his bud. I asked him how long he said...
How long will it take them to pay you? I'm helping my boy & I sent him a lot of money because we are originally from new york & he went down there to be a grower.while down there he lost a couple of crops & got robbed! But he said he was able to get 8lbs to the dispensary.he claims they pay you...