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  1. teutonic

    first CFL grow - stalk advice please

    uppy updates.... Well gurus Ive been a - fretting and a - worrying for 40 days now since I planted my stalky little white widow seed. Decided to go 12/12 seven days ago, so that made 36 days of veg and that weedy little stalk turned into a monster 2 foot high and bursting thick with veg...
  2. teutonic

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    I concur it was an epileptic fit. A little more care and consideration next time
  3. teutonic

    Adding tube fluorescent bulbs to my cfl set up...

    My new grows are with CFL's and they are great. But my old grows I used a bank of 2 foot flourescent tubes, start to finish. Had a bank of 5 or 6 two foot tubes in the end. They worked, but not brilliantly, not a massive yield, and the ballasting for them made the grow cupboard very warm indeed...
  4. teutonic

    Why Do Girlfriends Make It So Hard To Grow Herb?

    long may it last bro. If she kicks off again, ... and this will be tough but necessary ... leave her for 3 days. If she rings you shrieking and shouting cut the fone call. When she rings the next day, all calm and sweet and promising to change, then you can start negotiating properly. That 3...
  5. teutonic

    Any help, Ideas, and Problem with one of my ladies[PICS]

    interesting. Maybe he could use it to sole his shoes ?
  6. teutonic

    Does anybody know what this is?

    'scuse my thickness. Its the newbiness. The females grow seeds ? I thought males grew seeds and females grew ... buds :S. My interest in this is I suspect my biggest plant is turning male or hermie but a bit to soon to tell for sure and its in the dark 12hours so cant send pic yet
  7. teutonic

    I fucked up big time !!! Pics and i really need help!!

    if it was mine i'd harvest and be damned. They dont look short of thc
  8. teutonic

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hi AF group :) My next grow will be all AF's. Got 4 seeds, 2 x Big Buddha 'critical mass automatic', and 2 x Green House ' big bang automatic'. Whilst my last non - AF's are in 12/12, I've been plotting, planning and preparing for the start of these exciting new beauties. But I'm going around...
  9. teutonic

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Guys. As a newb I need to know what the problem is with pollen gettin on the females. Does it ruin the grow or the buds or the THC or something ?
  10. teutonic

    clay pellets advice sought.

    hi gurus. When I start my next grow, I am going to use clay pellets instead of organic peat free compost, as the compost had trouble with midgies or fungus gnats to be precise. So I fill my plant pot with the clay pellets. How...
  11. teutonic

    Timers / Power / OMG FIRE?

    straight in the wall with an extension socket for a bank of sockets should be fine. The part to consider is total load from the extension socket. Like I say, mines fine running 2 x 150 watt CFL's, those huge chunky cfl's if you know the ones i mean. Each cfl has its own power lead to the...
  12. teutonic

    autoflowering seeds - best way to start them off ?

    how does the paper towel technique work ? fold the seed in a wet paper towel and keep in the dark 24 hours ?
  13. teutonic

    Any help, Ideas, and Problem with one of my ladies[PICS]

    lols thaats a weird looking plant. I guess some kind of mutation. Looks like a cross between marijuana and a lettuce :P As long as it dont screw the others might be worth continuing the grow just to see what you get ?
  14. teutonic

    autoflowering seeds - best way to start them off ?

    how long before they popped out the soil, can you remember ?
  15. teutonic

    autoflowering seeds - best way to start them off ?

    hi gurus my next grow will be with autoflowering feminised seeds, apparently they just need an 18/6 cycle start to finish ? Is it ok to start the seeds off with a 24 hour soak in a shot glass of water, as I did my 'normal' seeds ? teut
  16. teutonic

    Timers / Power / OMG FIRE?

    i blew 3 of those timers just with a 160Watt CFL. Get a heavy duty timer bro save the pain i went thru. My heavy duty one runs 2 x 160 watt CFL's without trouble, i attached a 2mtr 4 way extension to the timer output and use two of the four sockets...
  17. teutonic

    first CFL grow - stalk advice please

    hey girls lets not turn this into a flamefest we're all in this together, a common aim and a common enemy - lets not turn on each other
  18. teutonic

    first CFL grow - stalk advice please

    ok thanks for the heads up GWN .. and the welcome :) Will look for some 20-20-20 come the weekend. Getting the watering correct will be the key to success. Stuck my finger right down into the edge of the pot tonight it was dry as a bone so Ive watered it. I'm wondering if theres some kind of...
  19. teutonic

    first CFL grow - stalk advice please

    Well GWN, the guy in the gardening shop said mix one third of a capful in with each 2 litre bottle of spring water that I use for watering the plants, the carton says 20 mL to 4.5 litre water. The carton says NPK fertiliser solution 4-4-8. The brand name is B&Q - the stores own label I've been...
  20. teutonic

    first CFL grow - stalk advice please

    ok re fan leafs , N deficiency. Nitrogen. The only 'nutes' I have is tomato food concentrate. ( Which I have not used on the plants very much for fear of overdoing it ) The back of the concentrate says N = 4 percent. Should I use a different nute ?